The waterpark

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Kaitlin pov:-

Today was the day ....

I woke up to my phone going buzz on my light stand it was from niall

From niall: hey morning babz xxx

I replied with

To niall: hey morning u to babz xxx

It was 9am oh no niall was picking my up at 9:30am

I rushed around picking up my bikini i wore a stripy purple and pink bikini with a vest top and shorts I looked at myself in the mirror I looked pretty good I began talking with myself and got really nervous what happens If I look like a right tart ? Oh what happens if I have a big belly ? Oh what happens ....

The doorbell went off ding dong then i got a message on my phone my phone text tone was hey my sexy lady ... Ha lol . I answered the door to see Niall in a stripy t-shirt and some shorts he also had a bag with him

"What's that bag for ?" I asks him curiously panicking thinking he was going to do something

"Don't worry I thought we could go for a picnic at the pool an I bought blankets and other things we might need ." He told me

"Okay "I smiled happily and stopped hyperventilating

"Come on then we are going ..." He gestured me out

"Just one sec can I just go he a bag to put my phone in and my purse and my other things and I need a towel as well but I don't know which one to take I have one that has food on or ...?" I asked him for his opinion

" FOOD!! Definitely how can u not now go quickly .... Go go go!!!" He told me laughing

" okay okay keep your granny knickers on and I will go and get that towel ... " I told him

"Okay" within a minute I was back downstairs with everything I need I grabbed the keys off the worktop and ran towards the front door

"Here we go and let's get going" as I locked the door I felt a pair of hands around my waste and I thought it was Niall but it wasn't it was my ex-boyfriend

"Get away from me freak! " I started to scream

"Noooo baby you were mine and you are now " he started kissing me

"No get away from I don't like you "

I started to cry

"Get away from her you didn't treat her right so why would she want to be yours and she will never be yours anyway bye bye !" Niall had an angry tone on him but you heard his Irish tone at the end .. Awwww Katlin snap or of it

"Look you cheated on me on my birthday so get away from me and I'm with Niall a boy that doesn't cheat on me and treats me right so don't bother coming here again bye " after that sentence I turned around and kicked him where he wouldn't like it ;)

" good going babe" niall said


As we got to the waterpark Jessica zayn Harry Liam and Louis arrived I swear I saw zayn and Jessica smiling at each other aw what sweeties.

" hey tickets for 7 please"I asked

" £20 then please " she told me

" okay here you go "

I have her a £20 note

"Here you go and your tickets to get throught are with the receipt

" here you go everyone " I passed around the tickets

"The first thing when we got settled down Louis went into the water and thought it was the shallow end and jumped in

"Ahh I thought that was the shallow end I was only gonna get my body wet not my hair ugh now I will have to style it again "

He started whining

"You ... Sounds ..... Like ..... Zaynn " I said inbetween laughs

" oh that's okay I will just get you now and throw u in and see how you like it " " he said whilst getting his index finger and drawing the Z sign with 'apparently' sass .

"Ok " and he got one arm and one leg and threw me in

"Oh no " and that was all I heard before I blacked out ....

What's happened ???

Sorry if that's long

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