Part 5

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As I walked down the last stair a small body flung its self at me. I didn't even have to guess who it was. I hugged the body so tight until the body pushed off.

"Kaitlyn! Kaitlyn!" he screamed the whole time

"yes buddy? Im here," I tried to kneel down to be the same height as him but it was. With a broken a leg it was hard.

I heard another voice. It was just laughing. "buddy? That's his name. if I knew that was a name I would have asked to be named that."

"Liam shut up your so disrespectful maybe its just a nickname. Did you ever think of that genius."

he didn't even waste time "yes I did smart one. When did you ever even get so protective of random people seeing as what happened in your past."

I didn't even care what Liam had to say. I just turned to look at Adriana and saw the sad hurt look on her face. I could tell Liam really stroke a nerve. I couldn't just leave it there she always defended me. And maybe I didn't know why but I couldn't just. "Liam shut up. Maybe she is just a nice girl who likes helping people did you ever thing of that? No I guess not seeing as you don't even know anything about being kind or nice." it came out so hostile and mean but I didn't care. He deserved everyone of those. He was just so disrespectful. I hugged Evan closer.

"me? I don't know anything about kindness? Says the girl who cant even say hello or thank you. Or much less even appreciate anything anyone gives you."

I wanted to reply back but Adriana beat me to it "well what do you expect. For her to be all sunshine and rainbows after losing her parents in the same accident she was in? do you even think. And then to also find out the doctors just sent their bodies some where to be used as donors without them saying goodbye? Do you ever think?" before I could stop her she said everything but the last part was new. I was confused. I didn't understand. What does she mean by shipped away for organ donation? I walked up to her.

"A-A-Adr-Adrian what are you talking about?"

she turned around "wait you never got told? I thought." that's when Mr. and Mrs. Grey appeared and the other girl who I never noticed next to Adriana came out of the shadows.

"That's enough Adriana!" I heard a loud adult voice say. I turned around to see that it was Mr. Grey. He didn't seem old. Sure he had grey hair and had some wrinkles around his eyes but that was it really. I must have been staring hard because when I looked around everyone was heading somewhere. Maybe the dining the room. It was dinner time but I didn't feel hungry. In fact I just felt numb over. Adriana's words were slowly sinking in and I couldn't believe them. I felt tugging on my shirt and looked down to see Evan looking at me. I didn't say anything but he did.

"Kaitlyn, everyone is heading to dinner, we should too." He kept looking at me and I didn't say anything I just nodded and walked with to the diner.

As we walked in everyone was looking at Evan and I but I didn't care. I was looking around the table trying to find a place to sit. Sadly the only place open was next to Liam and Evan had his own place to sit with two other kids his age. He looking at me as if pleading as if he could go and I nodded before heading to the sit next to Liam but as I reached the sit it magically moved closer to Liam. I sighed in frustration but then I saw Liam get hit by some boy. He had lightish blondish hair that is almost non visible from far away. I smiled a little and grabbed the chair. Once I sat down I didn't look up. I just took the plate that Mrs. Grey gave me and looked at it. Little conversations were being said all over the table. It wasn't in one place though. It was all over the table back and forth. Even Evan and his friends were talking but I was the only silent one. Being the only silent one had its privilege. I learned the guy from the stairs name was Zack and his brother, the one who hit Liam's name is Tristan and that girl who was next to Adriana was their sister. Her name was Nicole. So it was Adriana, Nicole, Zack, Tristan, Liam, and the other two kids with my brother were Ash and Ashley. I was so caught up in remembering their names that I almost missed the nudge to my side until I looked up to see who it was. I bit my lip in anger as I noticed it was none other than Liam, He looked me over smirked and nudged his head at Mr. Grey. I looked over at him only to noticed everyone's eyes were on me. The only thing I could do was stare blankly at him before he sighed and said, "Why don't you introduce yourself to everyone. Seems like your brother has already done it."

I looked around at everyone and then at my brother who was talking nonstop to the other kids at his table. I smiled at the sight and thought back to how mom was always like that. Talking like there was no tomorrow. I sighed and turned to the people at my table and said slowly, "My name is Kaitlyn Marie Cruz and Im 17." I looked once over and everyone as they nodded their heads and I went back to my food.

I must have done something funny because the deep chuckle besides me went on for a couple of seconds before they said, " look at everyone else but me?" I just gritted my teeth together and tried to eat my dinner. But that didn't help. Not at all. "what? Did I make princess mad?"

I just couldn't stand it anymore. So I retaliated with "Oh Im sorry I didn't know they let stupid people sit here. And excuse me if I didn't want to lose my appetite by sparing a glance at your atrocious looking face. But I guess hearing you is enough too. Oh and one more thing. Quite calling me princess because you have no right to call me that you good for nothing jerk." With that I grabbed my crutches and walked out with everyone staring and some laughing. I headed towards the door and slammed it muttering "jerk" under my breathe.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2016 ⏰

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