Drop Dead Gorgeous!

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That model Alicia Doom is drop dead GORGEOUS!!! Soon she is coming to our lively city; New York. Well, to others, the big apple is too noisy. But not for city cuties like me! I'm Tanya and I'm 17 going on 18. I'm really into modelling and the latest fashion trends, so I'll keep your ill minds updated weekly! Haha. But back to my point. My IDOL and superb TRENDSETTER is coming to MY city! Oh, the joy!!! And better still? I just ordered an exclusive VIP ticket for the fashion show she will appear in! Life is SWEET.


Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! She's here!!! Alicia Doom is actually HERE! Here she comes, strutting her stuff down the catwalk. Alicia is wearing a ripped T-Shirt, hot pants complete with a leather belt and sexy black high bells I would TOTES die for! She must have seen my eager eyes, as she tossed back her silky waterfall of black locks and smirked at me. It's kind of an eerie smirk,if you know what I mean. Fashion models are meant to look posh, not evil. Still, it's probably part of the act.


Ah, my bed. Nice and warm. Toasty, too I guess. Hey, hang on. A knock on the front door! Who could it be? At THIS time of night? I tiptoe down the stairs and open the door to find a drop dead gorgeous Alicia Doom outside.

"I'm coming in," she announces. No dignity, honestly!

"Get me a cup of tea. No sugar. Chop chop!" Bossing me about in my OWN house too! Ugh. I've just got the tea when I enter the living room and I see her eyes again. Red, devilish eyes. And her FEET! Crumbling away by the second.

"W..what happened?" I asked, worried.

"I'm drop DEAD gorgeous, that's what," she answered. Then I dropped to my knees. Dead.

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