The ghost in my parent's bedroom.

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Before you read this, most of it is actually true. (The death isn't though!) I have seen this ghost, so read on.

There was once nothing scary in my parent's bedroom. They slept and that was it. That was all that ever happened in there. But one night, something was different. Something...changed. But not for the good.

One night, I lay down in my bed. The door was tightly shut. Then my brother came in and woke me up and asked "What time is it?" I said "Time you went to sleep!" He walked out, leaving the door ajar behind him. Then I saw it. A ghostly white figure moving across my parent's bedroom. Then it turned a corner and was floating to my room. I couldn't make out the features in its face, so I had no clue who it was. I shut the door with a loud bang.

The next morning I screamed. My wall was stained with blood writing "Time you saved your brother." And there he was- dead.

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