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As I walked through that uncut and unkept garden, avoiding the dead flowers and weaving cautiously through the jungle that seemed to be grass, I felt a tingle down my spine. A bad tingle, a warning. But as always, I never follow my instincts. So yes, when I came to the peeling used to be black door, of course I wanted to explore. My body was eager to go. I crept in silently and the door blew shut behind me with a loud BANG! Then I realised what mess I was in. A rusted chandelier rocked, there was no wind. It was an omen. A warning. Turn back or suffer. It seemed as if I was in a horror movie, yet what horror could there actually be? As I walked on, a chair stood in my path, swaying gently. I kept going-I had to. I neared a spiralling staircase, a rotted staircase, and began to climb. Under my feet was the dirty, stained stair carpet. By now I was becoming excited, yet more scared every minute. I finally neared the top of the stairs. And there was a door. An alarming, brown door. I tried to open it, but it was stuck fast, not budging. After a good long five minutes of barging and bashing, it gave way, opening with a slight creak. I stepped inside curiously.


Then it went black...

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