Prologue: Victoire

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It was my first year at Hogwarts. I was standing in front of the sorting hat, in a crowd of people, next to my friends. Well, next to the only three people in the crowd I knew- Lily, Roxanne, and Rose.

"How nervous are you?"

"I'm not." I lie to Roxanne, who was whispering comments in my ear. "What, are you?

"Huh, who said I was?" She says flashing a smile, before someone hushed us, quite loudly. I'd missed the first bit of the sorting already. I really should have payed attention...

"Lupin, Teddy!" Professor Longbottom called. I have to stifle a laugh. During the summer, the teacher would often visit the Potter family, sometimes when we were around too. Seeing him in this setting felt, well, odd.

"Hufflepuff!" The sorting hat called after being set on his head. I watched him go to his table, which clapped for him. I barely knew the guy, but apparently Lily did quite well.

And I waited. As Lily got put in Gryffindor, Rosie was a Hufflepuff and Roxanne a Gryffindor as well. 

"Weasley, Victoire." My turn. I shake back my silvery blonde hair, the same shade as my mother's, and do my best to look confident as I step up to the old hat, hoping it wouldn't mess my hair up too badly. Thankfully, the hat didn't stay on too long, and I do hear the word I'm hoping to-

"RAVENCLAW!" I sigh out and smile, probably with more sincere happiness than I'd had all day, and walk over to my table, their claps echoing in my ears. I'm sure it's far early to say, but my years at Hogwarts sure were looking up.

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