Chapter Two: Victoire

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Hogwarts. The view of the grounds was simply beautiful. It was winter, and the last day of the break was today. I'm sure you're wondering how I spent my vacation, and, long story short, this year's Christmas was simple. Just us at the Potter's place, along with the rest of that family (And Teddy Lupin! But that's for another time.)... Okay, maybe not so simple. We're a big  family. I won't get into detail.

But now, I'm back at Hogwarts. Back in my common room, which really was my second home, no matter how cliché that sounds. Bronze and blue. I could never get tired of waking up to those colors. Or the view of the castle, or the smell of books. I'm getting carried away, despite there not being classes today I do have plans, like always. Today's the quidditch game, between Gryffindor and Slytherin. I play Chaser, but today the spotlight won't be on me (Unfortunate, of course). Lily and Roxanne're playing, so naturally I'm cheering for Gryffindor.

I put on my robes, and over them I wrap a Gryffindor scarf I managed to get my hands on, and head down to the fields. There's a huge crowd, naturally, divided evenly into Slytherin and Gryffindor supporters. I make my way through the crows, through the yells, looking for someplace familiar to sit. I can't spot my close friends right away, so I head down through the crowd, knowing that there'll be someone to talk to during the game.

"Over here!" I hear a voice call, and when I turn over I'm met by a pair of eyes and a smile. Teddy Lupin isn't dressed in anything signifying his support for Gryffindor- But he doesn't need to. His hair is in stripes of red and gold, and his eyes- One's red, one's gold. The sight unsettled me, but I'm glad none of his other features were changed. It's something I liked about him, that he wouldn't change himself much. I mean, I know I'm very pretty, but if I had that gift, I would doubtlessly be using it.

"Hey!" I say, as if I hadn't seen him there before. "I see you're on the Gryffindor side."

"Guess we're on the same side, then."

"Yeah, only I'm not showing it quite as brightly." I point at his hair, squeezing in a seat beside him. He starts to say something else, but the whistle's blown and the game begins. I'm about to ask him to repeat what he said, but he's no longer focused on me, his attention completely on the game. He leans forwards in his seat as if he forgot I anyone at all was next to him, and I pull my focus to the game as well, instantly spotting Lily zooming across the field, and Roxanne beside her.

"How long do you think this game's going to last?" I whisper over to Teddy, prepared to make a bet on my chocolate frog cards- Quidditch matches are about the only place I'll offer to remove a card from my collection. He doesn't seem to hear me. Maybe I should have sat with a friend, taken time (I'm sure it wouldn't be long) to find someone else to wave me over. But maybe not, after all, the game in itself is plenty of fun to watch. 

Roxanne's fist closes around the snitch. I cheer loudly as the game ends, the sound of booing from one end and screaming cheers from the other blending together in a buzz of energy. I stand up and walk over to the players as they step off their brooms, seeing Lily talking with Lorcan, who she's way to obviously been crushing on for ages, and head over to Roxanne.

"Great catch, that was fast!"

"What can I say, I'm an amazing player." She flipped back her dark hair, flashing a grin.

"Oh, one game and you're getting cocky already?"

"It's not just one game." She laughs, titling her chin up as she does so. "But really, thanks." She says and I nodded, smiling. 

"Roxanne!" Someone calls over, making her turn away. Of all people, it's Lysander, Lorcan's twin. Great-grandson of Newt Scamander, who wrote Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find them, might I add. She heads over to him, and before I know it, they're kissing. I cover a laugh. That was slightly unexpected. 

I turn back, starting to head through the crowds that's slowly melting apart anyways. Maybe some Gryffindors and Gryfindor-supporters would stay for a celebration, but I wasn't in the mood today. I pause to talk to Rosie, who follows up to the castle with me. With a bit of surprise, I notice the Slytherin scarf across her shoulders. Maybe that's why I didn't spot her in the stands.

"You weren't cheering for Lily and Roxanne?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

"Should I have been?" She shrugs, the green in her scarf bringing out her eyes, even if it clashed with the shades of red in her hair.

"No, who lent you the scarf?" I ask, shrugging. Last I thought, she hadn't had any significant connections to Slytherin, unless... There's one person. Maybe.

"I gotta go, I'll see you later." She turns around, into a hallway I hadn't noticed was there. I head back into the common room, glad for the smiles and quiet greeting me there, and get ready for class tomorrow.

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