Chapter Three: Victoire

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So it was Hogsmeade weekend tomorrow. So what? I had homework. What I've constantly heard about Hogwarts was no lie: O.W.L year was the hardest. And while I like to be the one with the most fun at the most parties, O.W.L's were important. They, with my N.E.W.T's, were my future career. (I mean, not that there was even the slightest chance I could do bad on my exams. But still...)

I run my hands through my too-straight white-blonde hair. I look at the stack of papers before me, then out the snow covered window, hovering a sugar-spun quill above my inkwell (My absolute favorite candy). I'd get started today, go to Hogsmeade tomorrow, and if I wasn't done thanks to the professors wanting to drown us in papers during exam week, I could leave early.

That's how I woke up on my desk, my hair in a total mess, papers everywhere but surprisingly not ruined. Not my best night. But today was a trip to Hogsmeade, so at least I had time to clean up.

I met up with my friends some paper stacking, outfit choosing, and general looking nice efforts later. So out of the castle we head. I find myself scanning the crowd around us, but I'm not too sure who for.

The view in Hogsmeade takes my breath away every time. Sure, I've visited often, but seeing the glistening, snow covered roofs on shops with brightly coloured advertising and an ever blue sky, smells of candy wafting out of one shop and the air thick with the smell of butterbeer near another. And, like usual, it takes me a moment to snap out of it, to remember I'm not a third-year seeing the village for the first time in my life.

"C'mon." Rose pushed back her braids of golden red hair, which were peeking out of a pink hat, matching her mittens. We all start to head towards Honeydukes, because that's where we always go first. It's practically a tradition. And despite knowing how unhealthy it is, I have a huge sweet tooth.

Like usual, Roxanne spends more on candy than any of the rest of us, and we spend a little longer than needed in the sweet-smelling shop, making endless chitchat and pushing thoughts of school further away in our minds. Well, at least I was. When we do step out, I see Lily freeze up, if just for a second. I follow her gaze to where Lorcan was walking out of The Three Broomsticks, his arm loosely around Mallory, his very pretty girlfriend. Between Lily's clear feelings and Lorcan's... I couldn't do anything on that problem.

"Let's go get butterbeer?" I offer, shaking back my blonde hair.

"What else are Hogsmeade trips for?" Roxanne laughs, taking long steps forwards.

"Um, the excessive amounts of candy you get?" Rosie asks, pointing at the Honeydukes bag around Roxanne's arm. I laugh, but I notice Lily doesn't join in. Well, we'll see what a little butterbeer could do for that.

The Three Broomsticks was crowded and noisy like usual. It's filled with students from our school, and teachers, and people even I don't recognize. Teddy's there too (I totally wasn't looking for him, or anything! He just has really bright blue hair), and my little brother Louis is sitting with a couple of his third year friends. And when Rose leads us to a spot, I notice she chose a table next to where Scorpius Malfoy was being way to noisy with his friends. I notice Lysander wink at Roxanne, but he doesn't even bother to come over.

The rest of our time at Hogmeade is eventful, fun, and completely like usual. It's not worth describing- What can I say about painfully little encounters with other people and the buildings in the village that although are beautiful, are as familiar to me as my own wand. We joke around, visit shops, and stay up way too late. Fun, right? Even if I have two essays due on Mondays...

Lily's the one that tells us when it's time to go. Roxanne pretends to complain, and does her best to act like she didn't just yawn from tiredness. So we head back. Lily and Roxanne and Rosie all disappear into the hallways, leaving me heading up to my dorm.

"Hey." I turn to see Asher walk up to me. He's a Ravenclaw to, one year above me. I halfheartedly smile, pushing back strands of hair.

"Hi. Had fun at Hogsmeade?" I ask, and he shrugs, a smile constantly playing across his lips.

"Yeah, but it was tiring. Sure am glad I got all my homework done way early." I laugh and nod in false agreement, and we make small talk up to the common room, where I can walk back up to my dorm, looking forwards to sleep, and finished work.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2016 ⏰

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