Prologue: Lily

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Lily felt her stomach clench up with nerves. What if she was put in Slytherin? Her brothers would never let her live it down.

"Potter, Lily." There was an outburst of murmuring in the crowd.

"Another Potter?" said one.

"Potter? As in Harry Potter?" Another one said. Lily didn't know why everyone was making such a big deal out of it. Shouldn't they be used to it now, with Albus and James already at the school? Lily quivered with a mixture of fear and excitement as she walked to the front of the great hall and sat down. This was it. The moment she had been waiting for ever since she had heard of Hogwarts. A couple minutes later, after musing for a while the hat's words rang out clear in the open atmosphere of the great hall.

"Gryffindor!" Lily breathed a sigh of relief as she went to join her brothers at the Gryffindor table. Now she could live up to the Potter name.

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