Chapter one : Lily

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My name is Lily Potter and I'm 15 years old. I'm a chaser on the Gryffindor quidditch team and I love to paint. My best friends are Victoire Weasley, Roxanne Weasley and Rose Weasley, but I'm closest to Roxanne, because we're in the same house. Today is a very important day for me. I've been training for months now! It's our big game against Slytherin. We're sure to beat them, I mean, ever since first year our team has been better.

Cheers erupted from the Gryffindors as my team and I walked onto the quidditch pitch. I kept my head held high, and smiled and waved at my friends. In the sea of red and gold in the stands I picked out Lorcan Scamander, the boy I'd been in love with since the second year. My heart fluttered ever so slightly as he grinned at me. I smiled back, calm and composed, even though on the inside I thought I would fall apart, because I knew Lorcan had only ever thought of me as a friend.

I was torn from my thoughts as my mom, also the flying professor, blew the whistle, signalling for us to mount our brooms. I rose into the air as the quaffle was released. I made a sharp dive, swerving around around Chase McAdams,  who was, funnily enough, one of the Slytherin chasers. I caught the quaffle and headed straight for the goal. I took the shot and it went in! I heard bell-like ding of the scoreboard being changed as cheers erupted from the Gryffindors. The other chasers and I made several more shots before Roxanne caught the snitch! Great! One step closer to winning the quidditch house cup!

After the game all the Gryffindors came to congratulate us on our spectacular win.

"Great job out there Lily!" Said a familiar voice. I turned to see Lorcan, with a lopsided grin on his face. "Gryffindor's lucky to have you on our team!"

"Thanks Lorcan." I said with a smile. "A couple friends and I are going to the three broomsticks to celebrate this weekend. Want to come with?"

"Aww Lills you know I love you, but I already have plans with Mal." I felt like someone had stabbed me in the chest upon hearing the words he would never say with sincerity to me. It didn't help that the "Mal" he was talking about was Mallory Ashton. His girlfriend. However, I put on a smile and told him it was fine. Suddenly, I heard a loud cheering and whooping coming from the Gryffindors crowding around Roxanne. I turned to find Lysander, Lorcan's fraternal twin brother snogging her! Wow! Where did that come from? Last I heard, Roxanne was head over heels for Scorpius Malfoy, though none of us could figure out why. Especially Rose. She really hated Scorpius's guts!

~Later that evening~

I walked down the corridor to the potions classroom, I had forgotten my ink and quill there. I heard voices coming from the next corridor.

"That student is in grave danger, Professor Longbottom" said the pinched voice of Professor McGonagall. "We must act soon."

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