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"So wassup Riah" my best friend said as I sat next to her at the lunch table. "What time the photo shoot I wanna come bitch"

"Just over after school" I said as I chew on a french fry. 

"Oooo I'm so ready for my daughter to get here, feel so damn joyful" I looked at her and giggled at her excitement, She hurried and snuck a fry of my tray and laughed. "but anyways what's her name gonna be"

"I will reveal it at my baby shower, so hold on tight" she looked at me in awe. Cameron then walked over placing a kiss on my cheek before sitting across from me. 

"Oh shit wassup pops" Sherri joked making us laugh. "You ready big boy" Cameron laughed shaking his head. 

"Sherri you something else, but I'm ready think I'm more excited then her" he answered. " Sherri where my partna" she rolled her eyes and shrugged her shoulders. 

"The hell you mean you don't know" I asked. 

"Exactly what I shrugged, he is not my child and damn sure aint my problem" she rolled her eyes again and took a sip of her apple juice. 

"Oh lord here we go" we laughed and talked the rest of lunch and finished the day out smoothly. As I headed to Cam's car there was a tap on my shoulder. I turned my head to see Sherri who had burst with laughter. 

"I'm going to change up out of these clothes and meet you at the house aight?" I nodded my head and watched at she walked off in the distance. Once I made it to the car I saw Cam and one of his homeboy's waiting. He pecked my lips and smiled. 

"You ready to go?" he asked, I nodded my head throwing my book bag in the back set of his car. 

"I'm hungry and I know mama got some food ready for me" Isaid cheerfully making him chuckle. 

"Well Ed riding with us he wanna go to the photoshoot too and I just know you invited Sherri so why the hell not" I nodded my head as I got into the car. Once we were all in and settle we were on our way. 

Once we made is to the house Cam helped me out while Ed grabbed my bag and we headed to the door. Stepping into the house the smell of chcken an shrimp alfredo hit my nose and the kitchen was calling my name. I walked straight to the kitchen making mama look up at me. "It was calling me from miles away ma" I said making her laugh. 

"Girl go get ya stuff together and come on down I'll have a plate ready for you" she said. I nodded and headed to my room. It's a good thing my room was not up them stairs, I grabbed everything I needed for this photo shoot and headed back out sitting at the kitchen table. 

"We just waited on Sherri slow" I said as mama sat a plate in front of me. I dove right in, the bell rung as soon as I ate my last spoon.

"I got it" Cameron said heading for the door. I cleaned my face and handed mama back the plate. 

"Ooooo I smell it" I heard someone say as they presence grew closer to the kitchen. Of course it was Sherri greedy ass. "Ma I know you made enough for me" she said making us all laugh. 

"Come on Sherri hurry up and grab a plate we gotta be up there in about 20 minutes"

"Alright, Alright" she grabbed a foam plate and quickly fix her something to eat. Once she was done we headed out and to the studio where I was taking pictures. 


Cam and I sat in the car looking at pictures with a box of pizza in between us. "Aww babe they are so cute" I smiled showing him.

"Yeah I looked pretty good" he joked. I side eyed him and playfully hit him.

"So I don't look good?"

"Now you and I both know you fine as fuck baby or no baby" I looked at him in admiration and pecked him on the lips. I place the pictures back in the envolope and opened the pizza box. "Yea I was just about to say we better start eating before it get cold. We sat in a parking lot across the street from the house. 

"Thanks baby this pizza so good" I said with a mouthful of food. 

"Anything for you baby girl" he chuckled and I blushed. I was ate there was a knock on the glass of the window and Cam was pulled out of the car and thrown on the ground. "RIAH GET OUT OF THE CAR RIGHT NOW" i heard him yell. I sat in shock unable to move, I then heard a gunshot causing  me to jump thinking it was Cam. I turned my head and watched as two black figures ran off in a distance. Everything started to blur once I looked to see if Cameron was the one who had been shoot. I stopped once I saw the red blood staining my shirt, I started to breathe heavily.

"MORIAH" I could him shouted. I turned my head in his direction and could see as he jumped up off of the concrete. My vision started to blur even worst and it was so hard to breathe.

"MAMA" I yelled with tears falling from my face. I felt Cameron so close to me, I knew he didn't know what to do. 

"Baby girl stay calm for me I'm calling them I'm calling don't close those eyes" 

"MAMA COME HELP ME PLEASE" I yelled once more.  Turning my head I could see a figure from a distance running in our direction. My eyes blinked slowly, I saw my mother who wrapped her arms around me in tears.

"RIAH BABY DON'T YOU SHUT THOSE EYES PLEASE MORIAH" I heard her scream.I wanted to so bad, I calmed down a little and only nodded my head as I struggle to keep my eyes open. "KEEP EM OPEN FOR ME RIAH"with mama being the last thing seen my eyes closed and I heard the sirens, but they were too late.

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