*Chapter 7*

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The sun was high in the sky, fanning across their skin and giving them a since of peace.

Severus and Harry sat on a blanket that was spread across the ground. Alice sat between them. She would lean up to the edge of the blanket and grab at the grass until it came loose I her hands. She would giggle and let it fall between her fingers. She would sit back and clap before repeating this.

"She's so easily entertained." Harry said quietly, watching her.

Severus leaned over to press a warm kiss against his cheek. "Kind of like you." He joked.

Harry pushed Sev's shoulder before standing and picking up Alice. She complained, making angry noises and reaching for the ground. Alice stopped when Harry set her in a swing.

Severus walked over to talk to watch her. Harry didn't push her very hard so the swing just swayed a bit, but Alice loved it. When it was time to go, she whined and pointed to the swing.

They seemed like a perfect little family. It was too perfect to Harry. He grew with the picture perfect family. Harry just wasn't in the picture.

He knew perfect families didn't exist. Even the Weasley's weren't perfect and they were the most stable family Harry knew.

Severus and Harry argued but it was always over something unimportant. I'll make dinner.
You worked all day, let me do it.


She's going to bed soon. She doesn't need a cookie
Its just one. Let her have it.

The little fights were over within seconds. It made Harry nervous. It made him distant. He didn't know how to deal with this or explain to Sev. How would he tell him that. 'I'm concerned because we get along too well.'

Severus was too busy with Alice to really notice how distant Harry was. They still made love nearly every night. Harry still smiled. Life went on. No one noticed.

*****Page Break****

When Alice was 11 months old, Harry and Sev started planning her birthday.

About 2 days before, Harry went to work. He walked through the familiar buildings until he found his office. He nodded at his assistant in walked in his office. His assistant was Mathew Gray. He was young and training to be an Auror. Mathew adored Harry. The famous Harry Potter who saved the wizarding world years before.

Mathew grinned at Harry when he came in. He immediately stood to speak to Harry. "Sir, how are you." He asked Harry. Mathew followed Harry into his office.
"I'm fine. How are you Matt?" Harry asked as he took off his jacket sat down.

"I'm great." He flashed Harry another smile.

Mathew was always happy to see Harry. Always excited. Today he decided to step a bit out of his  boundaries.
"Harry, I was wondering if you'd like to go out tonight. For a drink?" Mathew asked.

Mathew knew, like all Witches and Wizards, that Harry was happily married to Severus Snape. Mathew new this but he bounced on the heels of his feet in anticipation.

Harry found himself nodding. "Yea. Okay. A drink."

A/N: I am so sorry. I've been hella busy with school and all. Finals are quickly approaching and this sends me into a state of panic. I'm trying to update. Honestly. But here ya go. I'm hoping the next chapter will be longer and hold way more drama than you're ready for.

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