*Chapter 12*

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Draco was quite bearable when he wasn't insulting Harry.
"Why are you here?" Harry asked after the initial shock wore off.

Draco shrugged and shot Harry a devilish grin. "I wanted a job. A," Draco paused. "Friend suggested it." He sounded unsure when he said 'friend' but Harry didn't care. He just shook his head and went inside his office.

Harry sighed when he heard footsteps behind him. He thought Malfoy had followed him but when he turned, Harry found Ron in front of him.

Harry smiled, "Hey." Harry sat behind his desk and watched Ron sit in front of him. "You alright?"

Ron looked worn and tired. "I..." He trails off and looks at Harry with very sad eyes. "Hermione and I aren't doing so well right now." He admits.

"What's going on?" Harry asked. Hermione was pregnant, they were married. Harry thought they were happy.

"She had a miscarriage." Ron said defeated. His shoulder slumped. "That baby was the only thing holding us together. She's going to leave me."

Harry was at a lost for words. These were his too best friends. Aren't you supposed to choose sides in a divorce? Harry would not be able to choose between Ron and Hermione.

"I promised I wouldn't tell you but I guess it doesn't matter anymore." Ron stood. "She cheated on me and I forgave her. But she doesn't want me anymore. I mean, who would?"

With one final sigh, Ron left. Leaving Harry rather speechless.

"I always thought he was gay." Malfoy stated, walking into Harry's office only moments after Ron left. "Then he settled for Granger. Everyone thinks she's settled but its the other way around."

Harry's head was still spinning. He couldn't really focus on Malfoy's words.

"He must be really hurt. He called me Draco. I know its my name but he always called me 'Malfoy.' He didn't this time. Just walked by and waved like we were old mates." Malfoy laughed and looked over at Harry. "Are you okay?"

Harry finally realized that Malfoy was talking. "Yea, yea. I'm fine."

"You look as defeated as Ron." Malfoy told him, making it sound like the most obvious thing in the world.

"He's my best friend. Hermione is my best friend. They are both my best friend and I thought they would be together forever." Harry ran his hand through his hair. "I just hope things work out for them both. They deserve it."

Malfoy decided he had to disagree. "They don't deserve the best. Ron deserves to be happy and Hermione deserves to be loved. Considering neither one can give the other what they deserve, is it really sad that they are breaking up?"

Harry looked at Malfoy with surprise. "Never expected that from you." Harry admitted making Malfoy smile.

"I'm full of surprises, Potter. Now do you want tea or something? What do I do as an assistant?' Malfoy asked, his normal bored tone taking over.

"You just deliver messages for me and file my reports. It's honestly a useless job but they insist on me having an assistant."

After that, the day just drifted by. Harry wanted to get home. When the time finally came, he started to get ready. Harry saw Malfoy do the same and remembered that Malfoy was Sev's God son or something. "Wanna come back to my place for tea?" Harry offered.

Harry still didn't like Malfoy but he was relatively pleasant and Harry wouldn't mind getting rid of the bitterness that still remained from their school years.

Malfoy looked a bit unsure but nodded. "Yea, why not?"

A/N: This is short and late but hey, its an update and Malfoy is in it. I wanted to make this longer but I have no time. And if you are experienced with chronic depression then you know how tired you are and how everything just seems like a challenge. I'm slowly slipping into that place and I wanted to update before I got there. So, hopefully you aren't too upset with this chapter.

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