*Chapter 16*

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It was always hard for Severus to say no to Harry.

When Harry wanted matching tattoos: "They're so small Sev! It would be so cool. Just imagine when people see them and I can say it's for my husband."

That's how Severus ended up with the word 'Always' tattooed on the side of his wrist, under his thumb.  Harry has the same tattooed on the inside of his wrist.

Harry was always so excited and Severus couldn't possibly say no to his husband's green eyes.

So when Severus went home that night and actually sat down with Harry and talked about adopting another baby, how could he say no?

Severus looked at his daughter who was laying on her stomach coloring. She was nearly three. Her birthday was only two months away.

"Why don't we wait until September." Severus suggested. "Alice will be three, summer will be over,  and you can take some time off work."

Severus was always logical. Harry nodded and threw his arms around Severus.

"I want a baby boy! Can you imagine? He would beautiful. I want to name him after you. Have another little Severus!" Harry said all of this into Sev's ear. Severus couldn't believe it. Harry wanting to name their child after him?

Excitement flooded his senses and he almost wanted to tell Harry that they should start now.  That they call the adoption agency tomorrow. They had to change the guest room into a nursery. But waiting was best.

Harry pulled out of the hug and kissed Severus before walking over to Alice. "Hey baby girl, are you ready for dinner?"

They spent most of the day at Ron's so dinner was take out for Sev and Harry  and left overs for Alice. They didn't want to give Alice anything heavy before bedtime so she had leftover chicken and vegetables.

"Uh huh." Alice replied putting her crayons down and stood and reached for Harry. Harry picked her up and kissed her cheeks making her giggle.

"Come on Sev. It's dinner time." Harry put Alice on his hip and grabbed Sev's hand.

Dinner was quiet and soon after that, Alice went to bed and Harry and Severus decided to take a shower together.

After their shower, Harry sat next to Severus in there bed. Sev on his stomach, Harry was sitting with his back against the headboard, reading.

Harry started realize just how utterly domestic this was.

"Do you ever think about how we got here?" Harry wondered aloud

"What do you mean?" Severus sat up a bit to look at Harry.

"There was a war and we lost friends and family. Then we moved on. Got married, had a child. Me and you. None of it makes sense really. I couldn't imagine my life with anyone else, with any other person. I can't imagine not having you or our daughter in my life. I just wonder how we got here. From Hogwarts to here..." Harry trailed off.

"I think about it often." Severus admits. "How I could have this. This life. I don't deserve any of it." Severus pulled himself up so that he was kneeling on the bed and could take Harry's face in his hands. "I was never a good person, not until you came into my life. I know I don't deserve you, but I have never loved anyone more than I have loved you." Severus kissed him softly. "Now, quiet that cute little head of yours and let's go to sleep."

Harry smiled and set his book of the nightstand.

"I love you."

"And I love you, Harry." 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2017 ⏰

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