*About Chapter 11*

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I wanted to put this in the A/N  but I published it before I did so now I have to put it here because it is Very Important.

This is about Harry having depression and Severus having body dysmorphic disorder. (Body dysmorphia is seeing your body for something its not. Like thinking you're fat when really you're not.)

Them having these are hella important. That's why I added the part about Sev thinking he was acting like a teenager.

They aren't teenagers and this still affects them because mental disorders do not have an age.

Severus is especially important. I've always pointed out his not eating. His body problems go way back and will be brought up.

Now, Harry. I also brought his depression before the sequel. Not being able to sleep. Getting sad for what seems like no reason. Its all there but it was subtle so I wanted to bring it up. Its so important and I had to point this out. -Charlie

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