[2] When You Get Severely(ish) Injured (Luke/Anakin/Poe)

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Luke Skywalker:

You and Luke were fighting together, side by side. You had two blasters in your hands while Luke had his lightsaber. There was an attack on the rebel base you both were currently fighting at. It had taken all of you completely off guard as everyone on the base rushed around frantically to get their jobs done.

You had instinctively picked up two blasters and started firing at the oncoming troops of the empire. You were trained and skilled at what you did. You hit almost every single one you were aiming for. You watched in satisfaction as they dropped to the ground with a scream of pain.

Luke defended himself, deflecting any blasts off his lightsaber and back at the person who sent them. He kept looking over at you to make sure you were fine, but you insisted that you could hold your own and he shouldn't worry. He took your word for it, and continued fighting, he stared actually physically hitting them with his lightsaber once they got to the actual base.

You were doing pretty well on your own. That was, until they got closer, and 8 of them charged at you. It took you off guard, since all you were doing was shooting at them from a distance. But it wasn't anything you couldn't handle. You easily dodged their sloppy attacks and fires your blasters at them.

That was what you did the whole time. It was quite easy, you thought. It was nearing the end of the attack when things were taking a turn for the worst. A good amount of your team was down, but more of the enemy's was gone than your's.

You were begining to grow tired, but you didn't stop. Then, you got hit.

One of the fighters had gotten you on the shoulder. She cried out in pain as you fell to the floor. On the fall, another one shot your thigh and stomach.

"Y/N!" You heard Luke shout in a panicked tone.

You heard the sound of Luke's lightsaber and the shouts of pain from your attackers as he slashed at them.

You worked to prop yourself up on the uninjured arm as tears fell down your face. Your shoulder and thigh were already spraying blood and you were in so much pain you wanted to throw up.

Luke rushed over to you as you got yourself in an almost sitting position.

"Y/N what happened?" He asked, kneeling down and taking your hand as he examined your injuries.

"I got worn out.. and they hit me." You choked out as you looked up at Luke with tears in your eyes and pain evident on your face.

"Uh.." He said, looking back at the fight that was basically over now. The injured people were being taken to the medical station.

He carefully picked you up bridal style and you grabbed onto his shirt, holding the fabric with a tight grip. You were in an unbearable amount of pain now, you tried to stay concious.

"Y/N stay with me. We'll be at the medical station soon and then you'll be fine. You'll be fine so don't worry, okay?" Luke said as he looked down at you with a worried expression.

He kept asking you questions as he carried you there to distract you from the pain, which actually helped a little bit.

Anakin Skywalker:

It was a very intense fight as you swung your lightsaber skillfully in front of you as you marched through the halls of the enemy base. Padmé Amidala had been taken and hidden in the temporary base of the Empire. There had been a rescue team put together by Mace Windu and sent out to go retrieve her, and you were apart of it. It consisted of Anakin, You, Obi-Wan, and a few renforcements that helped locate Padmé and fight off any oncoming enemies.

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