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This chapter is going to be Riley's POV because it's mainly about her. Most of my chapter are from Riley's POV now, so my next will be Evan. Happy reading!

"I was in the darkness for so long, that it was only a matter of time before I became it."


I didn't expect Evan to actually show up at the cafe today, but he's been coming almost everyday now it was almost a regular routine for him. I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy his presence, I guess it always helped having someone waiting around for me to finish my shift. I was almost done working for the day and was about to head over to where Evan was sitting when I felt a tap on my shoulder,

"Hey, Riley" My co-worker Lexa, said softly. I was surprised she was talking to me because we almost never had an actual conversation before.

"Oh hey," I said surprised, it came out more as a question.

"Um I have a favour to ask you," she stuttered, I didn't know her that well, but I could tell she was a shy girl with long dyed hair, and black nerd glasses that suited her almost symmetrical face.

I raised an eyebrow, "Sure, what is it?" I asked

"You know the guy over there," she pointed at Evan's table,

"Evan?" I questioned.

"Yeah, is he your boyfriend?"

"What? No!"

"Well he's been coming here for sometime now and I saw how you were close with him, I thought maybe you could introduce us," she paused, "that's is of course if you don't like him or anything," she continued

"What no, that's ridiculous!" I replied, "And I'll try my best but don't be surprised if he's rude at first, that's just how he is," I was quite surprised myself, I never thought anyone would take an interest in Evan, even though he was hot. I was going to help her, although Evan will definitely reject her. It's not like I like him or anything, but I was quite certain that she wasn't his type.

"Well, come on let's go," I cheered her on as we headed over to where he was sitting paging through his phone.

He looked over at me then raised an eyebrow at Lexa, "Evan this is Lexa, my co-worker," "Lexa this is Evan," I introduced them,

Quite surprisingly, Evan smiled and shook her hand, was I seeing right? Did Evan Jones just smile at a girl, and shook her hand? Wow, today sure was fully of surprises. He didn't act that way around me the first time we met.

We sat and Lexa immediately started a conversation with Evan, they got along pretty well, and after a while I felt out of place. Whenever I tried to start a topic, the conversation would somehow always lead back to them, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't bothered, and maybe a tiny bit jealous. I was being ridiculous, I can't just want to have him all to myself, we weren't dating, and I definitely didn't have any feelings for him, so why was I feeling this way?

I made a last attempt to bring up a conversation that didn't involve Lexa, "Hey Evan, how's Lily doing?"

Good fucking job Riley, your last attempt was to ask him how his maid was doing.

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