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"We tend to hold ourself accountable for things we never did. Hearts we never broke. People we didn't hurt. Souls we didn't crush."


I reach school to find Harper waiting for me at my locker, as soon as she spots me I give her a questioning look.

"Riley I'm so sorry about ditching you at the party! It was your first party too, it was just so bizarre and everyone was running and I totally forgot about you, I'm sooo sorry please forgive me!" She pleaded,

I sighed, "It's fine, sorry I kinda lost it yesterday." I tell her running a hand through my hair awkwardly.

"Friends?" She asks,

"Friends." I reply and she squishes me into a tight hug,

"As much as I love being friends with you again, I have to get to class." I tell her and she breaks away,

"You guys are back!" Conner yells from behind us putting an arm around Harper and she smiles.

"Sorry for yelling at you yesterday," I tell him sincerely, I didn't want my best friends boyfriend thinking I was a psycho.

"It's fine I shouldn't have mentioned anything about him," he said referring to Evan.

"I'll see you guys later," I say walking to my next class, which was biology.

I spot Evan, I didn't realize how many classes we shared together, mostly because he was away most of the time. I take a seat next to him because he was my lab partner.

"You again," he says looking at me

"Hello to you too," I reply sarcastically,

"I've realized you show up to school more often now," I tell him

"What can I say, I couldn't wait to spend more time with you," He replies sarcastically his dark brown hair falling perfectly on his hazel eyes. As much of a jerk he was, I've come to admit that he was still hot, which I wondered as to why he didn't have all the girls throwing themselves at him. In fact, most people were scared to be around him which confused me. I knew there was some sort of a dark history behind Evan, but I wasn't going to stick my nose in it because he probably only thinks of me as an annoying girl who follows him around.

"Very funny," I say narrowing my eyes at him,

Soon, the teacher came and everyone fell silent, "Today we're going to be working on a new assignment." He said, and everyone groaned.

"You'll be working with your lab partners, come and get a sheet." He continued.

"This assignment is going to be so much fun!" Evan spoke lazily.

His sarcasm was seriously getting on my nerves, did Evan really hate me that much? "I'll get a sheet," I replied getting up.

I grabbed the sheet and headed back to our desk, as soon as Evan saw it his eyes widened, "There's no way we're going to finish this in class,"

"Yeah we'll have to work on it at home," I nodded in agreement.

"We can work on it at my house," he suggested.

Woah. Did he just invite me to his house? Even if its only for a project, Evan had this mysterious thing going on, I never thought he'd let someone he only knew for 2 days come to his house.

"Uh.. Sure." I nodded,

"Cool. I'll see you after school." He said and the bell rung shortly after,

My next class was English, and I only survived it because Harper was in it. Now it was my favourite part of the day, lunch. Harper had volleyball practice, and Conner was sitting at the popular table where all the cheerleaders and jocks sat, he always sat there when Harper wasn't here. I really needed to make more friends, because of right now I was completely lonely. After paying for my lunch, I grab my tray and stand for a while trying to figure out where I was going to sit. I look over to the table beside the garbage where Evan usually sits, I notice he wasn't alone today, there was another guy next to him. Ignoring the fact that Evan probably thought I was the most annoying person ever, a stalker, and that I was obsessed with him, I swallow my pride and head over to their table.

I was expecting Evan to say one of his sarcastic comments like, 'What are you doing here?' 'Are you lost?' Or 'Look it's my stalker again', surprisingly he moved over making room for me like it was normal, almost like he considered me a friend?

"You don't have fries today," he said looking at my tray,

"No, sorry, guess I have nothing to bribe you with today," I say giving him a dramatic look.

His friend looks over to him, as if expecting Evan to introduce us,

"Right, Riley this is my friend Ethan," He says looking over to a guy with hot messy blonde hair, and ocean blue eyes.

"You mean, best friend." Ethan corrects him and Evan ignores him,

"Ethan this is Riley," He pauses and I was eager to find out how he was going to address me, "A person who's not my friend," he continues, and I kick him with my foot.

"Ouch," he growls,

"Well, Riley, you're hot." Ethan blurts out,

"I'm honoured but I'm afraid you're oblivious to the fact that I'm not a temperature," I say and Evan chuckles.

"Wow, I like you already." He says smiling. Unlike Evan I'm pretty sure Ethan attends school regularly because I've seen him around a lot, I was curious why he wasn't sitting at the popular table, since his blue eyes and blonde hair made him look like your average popular school boy.

"Well, Evan I see you made a friend the only day I was gone," Ethan said referring to me.

"What part of my introduction where I say 'she's not a friend' did you miss?" Evan asks glaring at Ethan who raises his hand up in defeat,

"How do you guys know each other?" I ask, they seem to be very close.

"We've known each other for 17 years, our parents were friends." Ethan says proudly.

"Which means I share all of Evan's most embarrassing secrets," Ethan grins,

"Shut up," Evan replies his face turning red, and I couldn't help but laugh.

The bell rings shortly after and I head to my next class. School was over in a snap and I spent most of the time thinking about how Evans house was going to be like. I expected something very dark, much like his personality.

I meet at Evans locker after school,

"Ready to go?" He asks,

"As ready as I'll ever be." I say confidently to make it sound dramatic, almost as if we were about to enter The Hunger Games.

"God, you're so dramatic," he laughs, I think this was the first time I heard him laugh. I wish he could laugh more when he was with me, because his laugh really did suit him.


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