Hero: Imagine #1

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Imagine #1: Hero

Word Count: 1,529

Specific Vocabulary: 

Y/N= Your Name. When you read this in your head or out loud (whichever you please) you would use your actual name in place of this abbreviation Example: Someone named Jane Doe would read this sentence "Y/N was the most intelligent woman I've ever met" as "Jane was the most intelligent woman i've ever met. 

Y/F/N: Your Full Name. You'd use both your first and last name here the exact same way as you would with Y/N. Example: Same as above except instead of Jane someone could be Jane Doe.

Unsub: Unidentified subject; the person committing the crime; the authorities don't know the identity of the offender yet

I'm assuming since you're reading this you already know what these things mean, but just in case I figured I would explain them to make sure you wouldn't have to be confused while reading this. 

Your POV

You were on a walk to your favorite coffee shop. This was a normal thing for you. Every day you woke up at seven thirty, got dressed, and then walked to the coffee shop. For some reason, though, today was different. You felt like maybe you should drove to the shop instead of walking. Someone was following you. You didn't know who it was, but you could almost feel the negative energy of this person. You remembered that there was an alley with some apartment buildings behind the coffee shop. Maybe if you went there, the sudden turn would cause the stranger to lose you. You quickly turned the corner and went around the coffee shop to the alley.

You looked around to make sure you were alone. The alley seemed empty aside from you standing in the middle of it. You pulled your phone out of your purse and dialed 911.

"911 what's your emergency?" the operator's soft, calm voice sounded through the phone. You could feel your body start to tremble.
"I- I think s-someone's following me," you managed to stutter out. Your heart rate sped up and your breathing quickened. You began to feel unsafe in your new hiding spot.

"Okay, ma'am, stay calm. What's your name?"

"Y/F/N, I'm in an alley behind Joe's Coffee," (random coffee shop name)

"Okay stays on the phone with me, authorities are on the way. Just stay calm," You slowed your breathing a little. The operator's gentle voice calmed you down a bit.

You were just about to speak to the operator when a hand covered your mouth tightly. You dropped your phone in surprise. You were then gagged with a cloth and dragged to a van where your hands and feet were tied up. You let the tears roll down your cheeks as you tried to scream, but noting came out that was loud enough to hear from even a short distance.

Reid's POV

"We've got a case of abduction. Two women were found dead after they were reported missing for twenty-four hours," Garcia said as I examined the images. She continued.

"Just two hours ago, another woman, Y/F/N, was abducted behind a local coffee shop while on the phone with a 911 operator. She reported being followed and the operator heard the phone being dropped suddenly while authorities were on their way." Garcia finished giving the information.

"We leave in twenty minutes," Hotch said. I nodded in understanding. This guy moves fast, but we need to move faster. This girl, she was gorgeous. I've seen tons of women in cases like these, but never have I been attracted to one of them. I smiled and shook my head at this foolish thought. Maybe this could give me some drive to find this unsub, or maybe it will distract me. I can't let it distract me.

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