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School hasn't got any better I try to stay near Jack because I can talk to him and hurricane stays away from me when I'm with someone. I've gotten really depressed lately. Shawn brings Kaitlin everywhere and it's so frustrating. I've become closer to Matt he nice and understood me quickly he also hates Kaitlin. Luckily he confirmed my suspicion that it was a forced set up but Shawn seems to like it.
It was the end of the day and I was meeting the squad in the control booth.
" finally I thought I wouldn't every be able to get you alone" I hear the all to familiar ice cold voice at I turn out from my locker to see Kaitlin standing right there.
"Please leave me alone." I say I try to turn around but Sid comes up and slams my locker shut and Liz blocks my other exit.
" Brat I'm talking to you look at me." She grabs my arm and turns me around and then she smacked me and says " ugg did u get uglier?" " I think she did Kat" Liz snickers and knees me in the stomach. I crouch over in pain, they haven't every physically hurt me but know. " How do have friends ur a whimp and a idiot " Kaitlin says. "Yeah loser" Sid says and kicks me in the side  They keep saying mean things and pinching me and pulling my hair tell I finally break away and run to the booth. The squad isn't there yet so I run in and hide into the dark corner and start to cry.

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