Being Naive Has its Perks. (boyxgirl)

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Pairings: larry_tho0723 and harry

Prompt: Nicole and harry are best friends and in high school. Nicole has obvious feelings for Harry, as does he. But, she’s too naïve to notice these feelings.

Length: doesn’t matter.

Warnings:  fluff, smut, drugs, alcohol. No more than weed, for the drugs

Rated: R

Anything else: Nicole= Shy, always around Harry and a junior at the school; Harry= Dark, but sweet; senior at the school.

Hope you enjoy! 

Now, this has been a loonnngggg time since I wrote a boyxgirl anything, so I hope it came out good.

Also posted on click the eternal link!

~Hunter xx.



“Nicole!” Someone yelled my name across the hallway and I automatically knew who it was. I turned from my opened locker and I was met with the arms of the boy I’ve known for years, Harry.

He finally lets me go and he looks at my outfit. His eyebrows cock in confusion and I cross my arms, “What is wrong with what I am wearing?”

“Nothing, it’s just I’ve never seen you in a dress. Who are you trying to impress?” My face flushes and I start to panic. I don’t want him to know that all of this is for him to finally notice me. So I blurt out a name that was first to pop in my head.

“Louis Tomlinson.”

“Really, didn’t think you went for the shorter men, I thought you liked them tall. Wait, aren’t you taller than him?

I slap his chest, “And if I am taller than him, would it matter?”

“Nope, now let me play matchmaker. As soon as I am done with you, Louis won’t even be able to resist you.” My eyes went wide and before he went off I grabbed a hold of his shirt.

“Please, don’t. Knowing you, you will scare him away. Remember what happened with Liam?”

“And I still am sorry about that, I didn’t mean to make it look like you were the most desperate girl on earth.”

“Sure you are. But, please just let me do it myself this time. I don’t want to have him running for the hills because of my dear ‘ole Harry.”

“Fine,” He says and kisses my cheek before he walks off to his senior friends. Now I just need to find Louis and Zayn. I need a plan to make Harry notice that I’ve loved him and every boy I’m after is only to make him jealous. I slam my locker shut and I walk over to where the boys are always found.

Now, you all are probably wondering what’s going on and who I actually am. Well, for starters my name is Nicole and I’m in love with my best friend, Harry Styles. I’ve been in love with him ever since I met him the beginning of freshman year when he was a scrawny little sophomore. But, now he’s really grew into the man that everyone falls for and is after. I want Harry to be mine but I don’t think he will ever like me the way that I want him to.

I still remember the first day that we actually met. I was sort of lost trying to get to my class and was plowed to the ground by Harry.

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