Missing You. (boyxgirl) (mention of Larry)

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Pairings: @gggaaagggsss and Niall

Prompt: Beckah dies from a illness and Niall misses her really bad.

Length: 2-3 pages

Warnings: Death, mentions of Mpreg

Rating: PG-13

Anything else: Beckah is 18 and Niall is 19, hospital and a backyard tree

Enjoy, so I hope this isn't too depressing since I literally poured my heart into this. What you're reading is exactly how I felt and still feel. 

Posted on archiveofourown.org, click the external link if you wish! :)

~Hunter xx.


Niall POV

It’s been a month since I lost the love of my life and it kills me that she is no longer here. I really miss her and I can’t live on like this. I need her to be here, I can’t even look at our little girl without thinking of Bekah. I don’t even know why the doctors didn’t save her; I just want my baby back.

“Daddy!” A little three year old girl comes running into my room and jumps on my lap.

“Hey, Ali, what’s wrong?”

“I miss Mummy? Why did she have to go with the angels?” She looked directly at me with those puppy dog eyes that Bekah would always get me with and a tear trickled down my face. She brings up her thumb and wipes it away quickly.

“Because God needed a new angel and Mummy was his first choice. I know you miss her and I do as well, but Mummy was very sick and God wanted to save her spirit before she suffers. So, he came to Mummy and he took her. But, just because you can’t see her, she’s always right here,” I spoke to her as I pointed at her heart. I looked up to see her glassy eyes and she looked right back to me.

“Does Mummy still love me?”

“Is that even a question to ask? She will always love you and she will always love me.” She wraps her tiny arms around my neck and hugs me with all her strength possible. She lets go and kisses me on the cheek before she runs off to wherever she wants.

When I first met Bekah was at school and it was literally love at first site. We were both in the same math class and she literally blew me away. She was the most beautiful girl I’ve seen and once I looked into her eyes, they told her story.

We were about 14 years old when we first met and I instantly knew that she would be mine forever. We ended up getting together and just before she turned 15, we welcomed little Alana. It was never planned and I did use protection, but the dang thing broke. Her parents were very supportive since she was their baby girl and they didn’t want to lose her.

I still remember the day that I finally met my little girl.

“Come on Bekah, push!” The doctor calmly and loudly told to my girlfriend. I was holding her hand and not paying attention as to what was happening down there, all I was worried about was my girl. On the other side was her older brother, Louis and he was rooting her on just like I was. Her parents didn’t get there in time to see the birth of their first grandchild, so Louis offered to be the second person in the room with her.

At first he was like I don’t want to see my sister like that, but she looked at him with the biggest puppy dog eyes that she ever done. She’s done this before on me and it’s worked so many times. After he looked into those eyes, he gave in and now he was crying along with Bekah and I.

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