Aazam & Ruwa

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Panama, a country in Central America. It is known as a third world and first world country. There are slums found there with living conditions that are really poor but what is amazing is that the people there are full of joy, you can never tell that they are having a hard time.
Their warm smiles, compassionate heart, caring actions and many more values that they possess can teach us all a lesson. So many of these people living together harmoniously, even when everything around them is just slums. They are the light of the place. Their living prove that money cannot buy happiness. In this wonderful part of Panama lived Aazam & Ruwa.

Aazam and Ruwa were 19 and 16 back in their teenage years. Aazam met Ruwa while she was selling flowers in the streets to make a living. He did not notice her till some day she started selling flowers to him.
"What are these?"
"Flowers of course."
"What can I do with them?"
"You could give it to your dream girl or if you don't have one, you can give it to your Mom" she smiled.
"Oh dear. But I don't have both that you just mentioned" he replied.
Ruwa's face turned pale.
"I'm sorry."
" That's ok. Can I have a bundle of roses?"
After paying for the bundle of roses Aazam passed it back to her.
" Hey these belong to you. "
" I know , but I choose to give it to you. Keep them"
Ruwa smiled and walked away. As days went by Ruwa and Aazam started talking to each other. More than usual. First they were friends and slowly they became more than just friends. They loved each other as they understood and learnt about one another. Their feelings became stronger.
Time was passing by. It was 7 years since they fell in love. One day Ruwa's parents came to find out about their love.
"Ruwa you better forget that guy and get married to whoever your Father points at."
"No Mom! I'm not a doll for you to decide my life. Aazam is the perfect match for me in every way."
"What has he got? He's an orphan!!" yelled Ruwa's dad who suddenly joined in the conversation. " This is no joke, this is life and I'm not ready to allow my daughter to ruin her life."
"Aazam may have no family but I'm his one and only family. I know he will take care of me like a queen," she argued.
"A queen? What is he working as? He don't even have a job. Look Ruwa you are beautiful and don't lack in anything. Already our life is in darkness and being your parents we have to get you married to a rich man. My boss's son really likes you and my boss is more than happy to get him married to you.. What else more do we need?"
"Your boss's Son is a sick fellow. He doesn't only like me , he likes all the girls in the village. If I get married to him I'll only be pregnant and he will leave me immediately. He loves my body not my heart."
"How dare you talk about him like that young lady. Do you think you know better than me? I have been watching that guy ever since he was born. He is a gold. You cannot find a gold like him anywhere else."
"I agree dad he is a gold. Gold because he is rich. Gold for his wealth but my Aazam is a Jem. By heart and personality nobody can beat my Aazam" she was very strong with the words she threw back at her dad.
"You can't go against us. I'm getting you married tomorrow itself. You better get ready!"

Ruwa broke into tears. No matter what she argued her parents won't listen. So she decided to run away. As usual Ruwa immediately crept out of her window. She ran all the way to meet Aazam at their usual meeting place.

"Aazam! Aazam!" She yelled as she ran towards him. With tears full she gave Aazam a tight hug and cried more.
"Hey Ruwa.. What happened ? Why are you crying like this?"
"Aazam , my parents are planning to get me married to Razaq, the rich man's Son.. They said the wedding will commence tomorrow."
"What are you saying.. But I thought you said they'll agree to our marriage "
"No Aazam I was wrong. They have shown their cheap side. We have to immediately get married ..right away"

"But Ruwa.."
"No Aazam don't say anything"she shut him off. All that Aazam was thinking of is how they can manage their life of their own. Especially when Aazam have no job. Well he didn't have a choice but soon decided to proceed off to the registration of marriage office.

And so they went. They got married and were both happy. Immediately they went to see Ruwa's parents. At least they still needed some blessings. Instead they received swears.
" I'm telling you! You are not my Daughter and this marriage is pure crap. You will never live happily. Some day you will understand your dad's words..you will regret for this . I promise ! Now get out of my side!" He shut the door on his daughter's face. The two of them still took this as a blessing. They went to Aazam's good friend's house hoping he will provide a temporary shelter. Aazam had to work, now that he has a Wife who depends on him. He joined his friend and did plumbing for a living. After having a handful of cash they found a small place to live in a slum. But they managed pretty well just being the two of them. They lived happily better than what their parents thought of. Ruwa did cleaning in rich people's house so as to support Aazam. She was sure not to work at Razaq's house. That will be the last mistake she makes.
Ruwa and Aazam continued their small family really happily.
Years passed by. After almost 3 years Ruwa was pregnant. It was unexpected but was a surprise that made both Aazam and Ruwa celebrate.

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