Chapter 2

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Harry’s POV

Wow. She just looked—wow. After ten months of not seeing her, this was some kind of eye-opener. I never expected her to look this great.

You’re probably wondering why I disappeared quickly after we arrived, and wasn't at the home when she came. I just had to clear my mind. Ten months ago we broke up... Well, she broke up with me, but okay. We dated for fourteen months and believe me, that's the longest I've ever been in a relationship. We had it good, we had fun and we loved each other, we loved each other a lot.

But then, me and my drunken mind. I guess I just wasn't thinking and although I tried to get Emma back, I know I did the wrong thing and there was no turning back.

And now, ten months later you would expect me to be over her, just like she was over me, I assume. But no. Since then I dated some girls, both none of them could ever compare to her, to Emma. She just always was this perfect girl and she always snuck in my mind when I was hooking up with anybody else.

That's why it never worked out with one of them. That's why I'm still single. And that's also why I’m still amazed by her appearance.

She seems so...happy. And I can't stand it. I can't stand it because I want to see her miserable, because she's not with me. I knew she wouldn't be, but it still hurts.

I walk over to the living room and still look at Emma, who is now standing up from the couch. "Hey," I say in a soft tone.

"Hi." She says. She looks at my eyes, then scans my body until my toes and then she looks back in my eyes again.

I walk to her and pull her softly in my arms for an awkward I-haven't-seen-you-in-like-ten-months-and-I-cheated-so-we-broke-up hug. As soon as she's in my arms I smell her familiar scent and I bite the inside of my lip.

After an awkward silence we break away and I take a seat on the couch next to Louis and Emma's sitting next to Niall again. Liam, the hero to save this awkward silence, looks at Emma and says: "So, are you in college now or something?"

Emma nods and runs her hand through her hair.

"Yeah, I actually am. I got into the University of Dublin last year. So after this summer I'll start my second year." She tells us and smiles.

They talk more about the college thing and I turn my attention to the television when Zayn grabs the remote and turns it on. Well, at least I try to turn my attention to the TV. But with Emma only two meters next to me, it's hard. As I hear her soft, sweet voice talking to one of my best mates, I think back to the time we were together, again. I just can't get her out of my mind.

Maybe it's a sign. Maybe it says that because I still haven't forgot about her we have to be together. That we belong together. And that's when I make up my mind. I'm going to work on this. She's gonna want me back. Just watch.


Emma’s POV

When he walked in to the room I could feel the blood raise to my cheeks. He looks so good. Those ten months did him well, I can see that. He, obviously, is over me and already moved on. I bite the inside of my lip as he walks over and pulls me in a hug. I hug him back and then I go sitting next to Niall again. Niall, my kind of safe haven. He'll protect me.

An awkward silence follows and I look around the room. That's until Liam starts talking to me and I join him wit answering his question. We talk more about college, but my mind still wanders somewhere at Harry. My eyes constantly want to look at him, but my mind keeps them on Liam, since I'm talking to him.

After the "college-talk" is over Louis gets up. "I'm gonna take a swim in the pool." He says and I smile.

"I like the idea, I'll join ya," I say and I get up also. I walk to my luggage and take them to my room.

I open the door from the room and smile. It's light and there's a lot of space and also a little balcony. And I have an amazing view of the sea. I absolutely love this room! It's so much better than my little room at college, which I also have to share with some other girls.

I open my suitcase to find my bikini, and when I've found it, I get dressed. I grab a towel, my sunglasses, sunscreen and iPod and then walk to the garden where the pool is.

I see that all the boys are in the pool all ready and I smile. I put my stuff on sun lounger and then I walk to the pool. Niall quickly gets out of the water and he picks me up bridal style; I know what's following next so I scream. "Niall, nooo!" But he ignores me and jumps with me in his arms into the pool. Just great.

I inhale some air when I'm up again and straighten my hair back. I look at Niall who's smiling innocently at me and I shake my head, grinning. I can never be mad at this boy. I swim to the poolside and I climb out. waling over to the sun lounger with my stuff and grabbing my towel to dry my hair a bit. Then I lay down and I put my sunglasses on the bridge of my nose. I look at the pool and see Harry looking at me. I start biting the inside of my lip again. I really need to stop doing that.

Yeah, I missed him. But he broke my heart, so I just have to get over him. There's nothing else to do. I know I don't want another relationship with him, I wouldn't be able to handle that.


And this was chapter two! I hope you liked it :) Vote, Share and Comment please! x Annelien

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