Chapter 1

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Emma’s POV

 I bite my lip when I stand up from the airplane’s seat, in which I was sitting during the flight. I really want to see Niall, my loving and amazing brother, again. I know it's gonna be awkward since Harry's gonna be there too.

I take a deep breath and walk out of the plane. I walk past the point where I grab my luggage and then I continue to walk to the hall. Niall must be waiting there for me.

I start smiling at the idea of seeing Niall again, since I rarely see him. He’s often on tour.  That's the reason why I agreed on this vacation with him and the boys. It's going to be great, with Niall and the rest at some rental house at the beach. The same as two years ago, when I first met the boys and fell for Harry. And I fell hard. But yeah, since he broke my heart it's going to be a little bit more awkward this time. 

I look around and start to smile widely when I see Niall standing with, of course, some fangirls drooling over him. Even though I'm a year younger than he is, I'll always see him as my little brother that I have to protect. And I know he thinks the same way about me. He's that ‘overprotective brother’, but I think that’s kind of cute. But it's weird to see all those girls around him. I smile, and guess what? It's still weird to think that my brother is a big superstar and that he is extremely popular among girls.

"Nialleeeeer!" I scream and he look at me. A big grin appears on his face and he walks over to me. 

"Sis!" He says as he embraces me in his arms.

"Oh God, I missed you!" I say when I hug him with a big smile on my face.

"I missed you too! And I'm so glad you're here! It's gonna be awesome!"

"I knooow!" I grin and release him out of my arms. We chit-chat when we walk to the exit where Niall's rental car is parked.

"The other guys are at the house, we arrived just three hours ago." Niall tells when we're driving and I nod. 

 "Okay, I'm pretty excited to see them again, how are they?" I ask, slightly uncomfortable since we're now talking about the boys, including Harry.

"They are doing great!" Niall says with a little twinkle in his eyes, the one he always has when he's talking about his four best friends. "They can't wait til you arrive. They've been looking forward to this holiday." 

I smile. "Happy to hear,” I say, running my hand through my hair.

"Oh, by the way, Harry baked some cupcakes because it's the first day and they are a-ma-zing. You have to try them!" Niall says. 

I nod and bite my lip. I feel Niall's gaze on me. "Oh, I'm sorry. Erm, but... You're gonna see him a lot these few weeks, so..." 

"I have to get over it, I know." I say and I look at him. "I'll work on it." Yeah, I'm really gonna. Or, I'll try at least. Nobody wants to be stuck on their ex-boyfriend and especially not when he already moved on. Something that I'm going to do too. 

Ugh, wish me luck. 


When we arrive at the house where we'll be staying the next couple of weeks, Niall and I get out of the car. I look at it and I'm still amazed. On the first sight it doesn't look that big and amazing, but when you look better, you'll see it actually is. I look at Niall who's grinning and I chuckle. 

I open the back of the car and grab my bag when Niall grabs my suitcase. He closes the car and together we walk to the house. He opens the front door and enters, and after that I follow. I close the door and look around me. The house is light and there's a lot of space. I'm practically in love with it.

"Still looks amazing," I say with a smile. Niall nods and he puts my suitcase against the wall. 

"Yeah, it does. Liam—luckily—didn't erase the phone number of the owner, so it was easy to find it back." He starts to smile and walks to the living room. I put my bag and purse down and follow him.

"Emma!" I hear someone exclaim and I get pulled in a hug. I hug Louis back and smile. 

"Hey, did you miss me or something?" He lets go of me and smirks. 

"Of course, who wouldn't miss you?" He wiggles his eyebrows and I chuckle. 

I look and see Zayn walking towards me. "Hey Em." He says when he hugs me. 

I smile and hug him too. "Hiya, Zayn, how are you?" I look at him when he releases me and he smiles. 

"Perfectly fine, and you?" 

"Me too."

I see Liam walking through the kitchen and I walk over to him. "Liaam!" I smile and I pull him in a hug while he greets me. I walk back to the living room and take a seat on the couch next to Niall. 

Louis follows and he takes a seat on the other couch. "So, how's life in Mulligar?" He asks with a smile on his face.

"Totally fine. Sometimes a little bit boring, but hey, I have fun and I'll survive." I look in his eyes. "And how's 1D? Still haven't got crazy of all those screaming girls?" 

He shakes his head while he smiles. "It never get's annoying." 

I look around me. I've seen my brother and three of the guys, but I miss Harry. I know he's here somewhere, but I don't really want to ask where he is exactly. 

I clear my throat. "Where is eh..." I ask softly. 

"Harry?" Zayn continues and I nod. 

Liam comes walking over to us and looks at me. "When you arrived he disappeared pretty soon,” he answers. "I don't know where he is." 

I slowly turn my head to the door when I hear a familiar husky voice. "I'm here." 


Ah, chapter one! Sorry for the little cliffhanger, I will continue asap. At the sidebar there's a picture of Emma :)

And please, let me know what you think! Comment, vote and share! x Annelien.

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