Chapter 8

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Emma's  pov

The next morning I wake up by some noises on the hall and I groan loudly. I look at my mobile to see the time; only seven minutes past nine. I didn't get much sleep last night. I went hours looking for Louis after my little conversation with Harry, but Louis didn't want to be found. Atleast, I didn't find him.

I feel really bad towards him, but on the other side I must say I just don't get why he'd get over something meaningless I did. I don't even get why he is mad in the first place. I mean, why would he care if I tried to make Harry jealous? Is he upset over the fact I kinda used him for that? I know he kept seeking contact between us, but would he be mad because I used that for jealousy? 

I groan one more time. I know I should ask him, but I don't know if he wants to talk or not. I decide to first get showered and dressed, and then go back looking for him, I guess. So, I get up and walk to my closet, to grab some clothes. I go for a simple short and top, since I don't have plans to go out today and it's vacation. After getting everything I need for the shower I walk to the bathroom.

When I'm all done I get down stairs, where I see Niall walking around in the room. "Hey brotha." I smile at him and take a few steps in his direction. 

"Hey Em, didn't expect you to be awake already." he says. "Everyone else is still asleep I mean."

"That's 'cuz you woke me up." I comment. I get to the kitchen where I grab some breakfast and then I walk back. "But why are you up then? Going out for a bit?" I ask Niall.

"Yeah, I'm getting ready to leave for some groceryshopping. I figured it would be smart to go now, since it's still kinda early. You know, to avoid fans and stuff." he answers and I nod. "Wanna come with me?" he looks at me, waiting for my answer.

"Yeah, sure, I'll go. If you let me finish my breakfast first." I answer with a smile. It would be nice to be out with Niall for a bit, since I haven't seen him in a long time.

"Yay, quality time for brother and sister Horan at the grocerystore." Niall comments with a wink and a big smile.


Niall parks the rental-car at the store and we both get out. I tuck my hands in the pockets of the jacket I'm wearing since it's a bit chilly. Niall gets us a shoppingcart and we walk into the shop. We grab some stuff that we think we need and we put it in the shoppingcart.

I look around the store for more when Niall suddenly decides to speak up: "So... You are having fun, right?" he looks at me.

"Yeah... Of course." I answer with a short smile.

"Em, I know things aren't really going that smooth as you hoped... So you don't have to pretend to have fun when you're not." he responds while grabbing a bag of crisps and putting it in the shoppingcart. He looks at me again, waiting for my answer.

I shrug. "It's just that everything was kinda weird when I arrived, then we went out and all this shit happened. And then last night... Yeah, I don't know. I just thought it would be a bit easier to be here then it actually is. You know, more relaxing and less drama." 

"Yeah, I know. I thought the same. That it would be allright between you and Harry, and by allright I mean that there would be peace." he corrects himself before I can respond to his use of the word 'allright'. "I don't know anything about the shit that happened in and after the club, but I feel like I don't need or want to know, so..."

"It's not a big deal, ..." I say.

"I don't need to know." Niall interrupts and he looks at me. "I'm your brother, but I know you're smart and old enough to solve your own problems now," he chuckles softly. "And I still hate to admit that..." he says and I smile a little.

"I just want to make sure you're allright and that you know that I'm always here to talk, okay?" he adds.

I smile and nod. "Yeah, I know where to find you. c'm here, big brother," I give him a small hug. 

We walk further on in the store to get all the things we need. When we stroll to the pay desk I hear a soft gasp behind me, which makes me turn around to see three girls, around the age of sixteen, all with their mouths wide open. I pat Niall on his arm and he turns around.

"Ey, hello there." He kindly says. He leaves the shoppingcart and approaches the girls.

"Oh my- Niall, hi!" one of the girls says.

"And Emma! Wow, you guys really look so much alike!" one of the others adds. I didn't think they'd recognize me, so when they do I smile sweetly. 

"Hi." I take a few steps in their direction, still smiling. They should see Niall and Greg together, they're much more alike.

"Could we maybe get a picture with you?" the third asks Niall and he nods immediately.


One of the girls holds her phone out for me, so I take it, snap the picture of them and Niall and then I give it the phone back to the girls.

"Thank you so much! You're so kind, really!" one of them says to Niall with adoration in her voice and I smile. She's right, Niall's amazing when meeting fans. He's kind and really calm, giving them their time, because he knows it means a lot to them and it's a small chance they'll ever meet again. I really admire him. 

I take another look at Niall. Like I said, he resembles Greg a lot, at least from the outside. On the inside they're actually kinda different. Niall being the carefree lad and Greg the responsible one, the one that thinks everything through. But, they're both really amazing brothers. I smile at the thought of the last time the three of us were  together, it has been a long time since. I think it was Christmas this year, we all went to Greg and Denise, where we had a great time. I remember Niall throwing little Theo in the air like a-

"Em?" Niall interrupts my thoughts and looks at me, raising his eyebrow, like he's wondering where the hell my thoughts were the past minute. "You coming?"

I smile. "Yep." Time to get back to the house and enjoy my time with Niall while it lasts.


Added this pic of Niall and Greg 'cuz they're just lovely in their suits :)

I'm sorry for my late update, but thank you for reading! Please share, vote and comment! Wud love to know what you guys think about it.

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