Chapter 6

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I'm sorry for the long wait! I just didn't have any inspiration!

Look at the sidebar for Emma's outfit for this day. Hope you'll like this chapter ;) xx Annelien


Emma's POV

"Dinner was lovely, thank you Liam." I say as I stand up from the table to bring the dishes to the dishwasher. 

Liam made us dinner, which we just finished. It was kind of awkward, since almost everyone was hungover—including me—and I tried to ignore Harry, which caused some sort of tension everyone must've noticed. 

"I feel like we should make some kind of bonfire tonight," Zayn says.

"Yeah, good idea mate, we should," Niall replies and I smile. 

"Do we have wood somewhere?" I aks. 

Louis looks at me. "I don't know.. We could look in the shed and if there's not we could get some from the forest," he suggest and I nod immediately. 

"Yup, good one. Let's go!" I smile.

"Yeah, sure, leave us with this mess!" Niall shouts as Louis and I walk to the back door. 

"Oh, we will!" I shout back laughing. Louis opens the door and we walk outside to the shed. 

We walk to the door of the shed and I open it. While I search for the lightswitch I feel Louis' hand on the small of my back. I don't know what's coming over me, but it feels like his hand burns in my skin, like I have all these electric sparks coming down on it. I've only experienced this kind of feelings with one person before, and you know who I mean. I try to shrug the feeling off when I switch the light on.

I look around. "What a mess!" I exclaim when I see tons and tons of trash. "Shouldn't they keep this clean for, you know, renters? Like us?" I ask, looking at Louis.

Louis laughs. "They probably thought no one would ever come in here.. But okay. Let's search for the golden treasure we need; wood for the fire," he smiles and starts searching. 

I join him and raise some blankets that were thrown over some shelves at the wall. “Got it!” I cheer when I see a pile of wooden blocks, neatly ordered on the top shelf. “But how on Earth are we ever going to get that? We’re both too small…” I mumble. 

“Climb on my shoulders!” Louis proposes. I hesitate. “C’mon Emma, what’s the worse that could happen?” 

“I could fall... You know...” I start.

“Yeah, but you won’t. C’mon!” Louis tries persuades me.  

“Ugh okay, but if I fall, it’s your fault,” I mumble. 

“You won’t, believe me,” Louis drops by his haunches and I climb on his shoulders. He gets up and walks closer to the shelves. 

“Oi! Lampshade!” I exclaim when I bang my head against it.

“Whoops, sorry,” he grins. 

“Yeah sure…” I look at the wooden blocks and grab some of them. I drop them on the floor. “How many do we need?” 

“I guess seven, eight would do. And if it’s not enough we can always get some more.” Louis answers and I nod while grabbing more wood. Louis’ thumb strokes my leg and a chill spreads across it. 

“Done,” I say with a voice which is a little bit more unsteady than normally. Louis puts me down and I climb off his shoulders. 

I pack up some wood. Louis grabs the rest of the blocks and we walk out of the shed. He turns off the lights and closes the door. We bring everything to the little fire place in the yard. “High five girl!” Louis shouts and I grin. We give each other an high five while smiling. 

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