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A one shot about Louis, Harry, alpha and omega stuff and that shit always happens.

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Harry and Louis are madly in love. You know? Like fucking freaking in love. They are rocking cloud nine like no other couple ever could. They were perfect for each other. So it was no surprise when Louis was parading around his new sparkling ring. Showing everyone who risked a second glance he was going to marry the most perfect alpha in the world. And Harry? He had a face splitting grin on his face adoring his now fiancée and soon to be husband.

But before I start to tell you their crazy wedding let me tell you their story.

They met when they were just toddlers, both not really liking the other kids around and so they started playing in the playground. They got along perfectly even though Louis was two years older than Harry. From the beginning they were attached at the hip. Barely separable. Years passed and they were still friends. Attending the same events, going to the same school, liking the same things.

When Harry was the cute boy blushing madly; Louis was outgoing and sassy like the little shit he was. Always protecting his best friend. When somebody came near Harry a not-so-deep –growl erupted from Louis and the other kids backed away. Nobody than Louis should be able to play with Harrys dark brown curls or poke his cute dimples.

Just from a simple look at them you could tell they were in love even if they didn't know it back then.

When Louis turned 16 it was the time his "true gender" should be showing. To be honest everybody thought he was so going to be an alpha. Just from his attitude you could tell he was anything than submissive. Louis himself always thought he would be an alpha and Harry would be an omega. Perfect matching. Made for each other. He was always sure they were meant to be.

You'll never know how disappointed Louis was when he woke up a few days after his birthday and he felt hot all over, slick dripping from his hole and his arching hard member against his stomach. It turned out he was an omega. A fucking omega. Just like girls.

He told Harry as soon as his fucking heat ended and he stopped shoving a fucking dildo in his arse and screaming for Harry to fuck him already. Harry wasn't there. Harry was still a beta far away from horny Louis to help him out. Apart from the fact that cute little Harry was just 14 and as innocent as a 3-year-old toddler.

So thought Louis. Neither did he know that Harry was more than turned on from the thought of his best friend in heat. But let's cut the details here.

Louis told Harry and the curly haired boy did everything to calm the other boy down. That he'll find some alpha that will be perfect for him. But Louis didn't want some alpha. He wanted Harry.

You could call it coincidence when Harry went into rut right on his 16th birthday. Louis might have even cried a little when he realized that they were still meant to be. Perfect for each other. The sweet caring alpha and the sassy omega with an attitude as big as his ass.

Louis insisted in Harry helping him through his next heat and they mated when Louis was 19 and Harry 17. Their best friends (a crazy bunch of some crazy guys) were relieved that they already bonded because they couldn't stand Louis complaining about not being mated to Harry anymore.

It went perfectly from that point. Sure they had some disputes from time to time but thanks to Louis they always ended in amazing rough sex. Really Louis lived for these moments. He loved it when Harry went all alpha on him, when Harry was demanding and pushing him. He absolutely loved it.

Two years after they mated two of their friends mated too. Louis was at Zayn's and was complaining about how much he hated his boyfriend and how fucking cute he was and that Louis tried to pick up a fight to get fucked against the kitchen counter but fucking cute sweet caring Harry apologized for nothing and just kissed Louis nose. He fucking kissed Louis nose.

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