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Harry knew Louis as long as he can think.

Which wasn't this long, really. You see, Harry wasn't quite human. He was some special kind of breed, somewhere between human and machines.

With his brilliant green yes, slit pupils an his graceful movements, alway aware of anything, he resembled more an animal than something else.

His strength was inhuman and he was trained in controlling not only this but also his very animalistic needs and habits.

So if you happened to meet him on the streets you'd only think more of an oddly beautiful and graceful human than anything so much beyond nature that he was carrying a chip in his neck, ready to blow his head up, if he became a danger to human kind.

Not that Harry was exactly aware of it. He was trained his whole life in how to move and act like a human being. He was trained in walking up right instead of crouching and crawling on hands and knees (although it definitely came in handy sometimes), trained to articulate himself and talk just like every other fellow with the age of twenty three.

After years and years of training and punishments for his behaviour, he underwent a procedure which included straps over his arms and legs, binding him to a metal bed and loads of cables sending electroshocks to special parts of his brain to activate his ability to think and remember what he would see and do from now on.

And this was when he started to get to know Louis. Technically Louis had been around before. Louis got trained together with him. Because agents and soldiers had to know how to handle their special weapons. Louis knew Harry long before Harry was even close to remembering anything.

Louis knew Harry when he was new to the program and tearing everything up within his reach, baring his teeth at the scientists and crouching on the ground in a defensive manner, deep growls rippling from this throat. Louis was even there when Harry tore another one of his kind into pieces. Literally. It was a weaker one, acting up against him and it paid its price. Louis knew Harry's immense strength and requested working with him.

So, Louis got to be Harry's allocated scientist backslash agent backslash soldier. Because, as simple as it was, Harry was the future.

There were agents, special agents, working on just as special cases and those agents were supposed to work with others just like Harry in the future. Just like Harry, the others were not capable of emotions, their chests empty apart from something like a mechanical heart pumping artificial blood through their veins.

They were breeder and trained to help and protect their allocated agents, die for them if the situation requires a sacrifice. If they were captured, someone in the headquarters blew up the chip in their necks. For them, the humans in suits and lab coats, they were animals, no heart, no emotions, nothing anyone would miss.

Louis on the other hand saw in Harry something else than just an animal born to die, raised like a pig for slaughter. He treated Harry with respect, asked for his opinions on their missions, always taking what he said into account. They even shared a flat in the centre of London, approximately thirty minutes form the headquarter office.

The day Harry moved in with Louis, he took him out to buy furniture, decorations and clothes. Something to make the still empty and plain room look like something to call 'home'. Although it wasn't until Harry nodded yes to six different kind of beds, even agreeing when Louis pointed to a miniature bed for toddlers, that the agent snapped, called headquarters and shouted at the phone for an hour, all while Harry stood next to him, not making a single move, but always watching his surroundings.

It turned out Harry wasn't even really capable of making decisions for his own good. He'd sleep on the floor if necessary. He was trained to make decisions to follow the missions and to save his allocated agents life, but never to save his own.

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