Mad - Sequel to 'Madly'

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Louis was outraged.

Positively fuming. If you looked close enough you'd have even seen some smoke coming out of his ears.

It's been two weeks after Zayn and Liam's son had turned 16 and had shown his true gender. And of course Louis was the first person Liam would call, totally smug and probably a shit eating grin plastered on his face, telling him his son turned out to be an alpha.

Yay, congrats.

Not that Louis did mind Noel being an alpha, really. It was more the fact that Liam had dropped some hints. Well, not really hints. More likely suggestions. Suggestions about James' true gender and if it'd be possible that he'll turn out being an omega.

The simple thought of his son being an omega and probably mating with Liam's alpha son had Louis close to throwing his phone against the next wall.

Bless god he was able to control himself. Not that he'd tell anybody that he screamed into his pillow for solid twenty minutes. Nobody will ever hear about his oh so small breakdown.

So Noel turned out being an alpha. Louis was fine. Just fine.

He did certainly not care that his son and a certain now apparently alpha black haired, tall and way too artsy for his own good boy were so close that Liam's ridiculous suggestion might become true.

Truth is, James was just twelve years old, Noel being four years older. But the older one was always looking out for James. Caring for him, taking him out for ice cream or helping with his math homework because James can't be arsed with it.

James even got his first boxing gloves from Noel and they were out training two times a week.

Louis always kept a close look on the both of them. Noel might seem pretty shy and blushing with strangers but he had the filthiest mouth when he was with his family and friends.

Really, Louis should have known he'd turn out being an alpha with his passionate hate for romance, the leatherjacket that seemed to be glued onto his body, his damned motorbike which got James swooning as soon as he heard the sound and his bloody protectiveness over James and Gideon, James' two years younger brother.

In the beginning, when Noel was younger, Louis was positive he'd be an omega. Always by himself drawing, his midnight black fringe falling in his face, shielding him from the world, plugging the strings of his guitar with tender fingers, a soft smile on his lips.

But around the age of fourteen he had a growth spurt, now being just as tall as his dad, Liam, his figure was still slender, just like his other father, Zayn. His voice became deeper and louder. He swapped his baggy jeans against tight fitting ones and his polo shirts against 80's band shirts. He got Zayn to buy him a bloody racing bike and apart from sitting all by himself, drawing in a sketchbook and blaring rock music on his headphones, Louis saw him hitting the gym.

Turned out the constant nagging feeling in his stomach was right. Noel was an alpha.

Well shit.

He could do this. Totally. Louis could totally deal with that newfound information and the possibility that his son might or might not be an omega.

Doesn't mean they'd bond, right?

They were way too different. Yes.

The huge difference between the two boys was the last straw of hope Louis clung to for the next five years.

Because as fate wanted it, James was an omega. Yayhay!

Louis had cried tears of joy that day. And maybe some of frustration.

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