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There was this little boy with dark curls and chubby cheeks, dimples poking out when he laughed, and he just knew he would see him again. That this little boy wasn't just a little boy he saw when he flew by a window.

He rearranged his legs on the windowsill and pressed a hand against the cold glass. The little boy on the other side of the window seemed to see him. He clapped his little hands and waved clumsily falling all over by doing this. And he always smiled. A big bright smile plastered on his chubby face with these adorable dimples.

And he was already looking forward to see them again. But the same time he exactly knew what seeing him again meant. With a quiet sigh he nodded to the little pixie sitting on his shoulders and he laid back flying off to the second star and then left straight to the moon.


Five years later he sat again on this windowsill slightly smiling at the boy in the room behind the glass. He has grown up. Nearly ten now. Pretty curls flying around when he spin in a circle and dimples poking out with every laugh. He knew it was way too early it wasn't time yet, but he just wanted to hear his voice. He wanted the boy to remember him in a few years.

He smiled and carefully tapped with his fingers against the glass trying not to scare the boy on the other side. The boy looked up and his green big eyes widened before he rushed to the window and cracking it open.

"I know you." Was the first thing the boy said. His voice was lovely and he could have spent hours listening to him rambling on about some toys or school or whatever.

He nodded and his smile just got wider. "Yeah. I've been here before. But it's been a few years. Good memory, curly."

The boy giggled and fidget with the small tube in his nose.

"Why do you have this tube?" He asked. He knew the answer. He could literally see it in front of him. But he wanted to make conversation.

"Mummy said it helps me breathing." The boy smiled again.

They talked for nearly two hours and the boy showed him his favorite toys and told him all about why he was so special and couldn't run around like other children. He seemed kind of proud of being special without really knowing what it meant for him. He on the other side told the boy funny and adventurous stories about himself and he showed him some incredible stunts with flying around the room chasing his own shadow. His heart arched a little when he had to go. The little boy waved at him and made him promise to come back soon. Of course he promised him to come back but he knew next time he would come around he would take him with him. He knew he had already fallen for the boy. Even if he was just ten years old.

So he flew away, the little pixie right beside him looking back at the window for the last time in nearly ten years before he turned around and tried to get away as fast as possible.

10 years later...

Harry sat back on his bed toying around with the tube that's attached to his nose since he can remember. He's glad he had gotten so far better so he just had it in sometimes when breathing got really hard for him.

"Yeah just got back. Seems okay so far." He mumbled in his phone.

"Nothing new? No new tumor?" Niall's voice came back through the speaker.

"Na, nothing new. Just the same old picture. Shining like a Christmas tree." Harry laughed sarcastically. It's not like he could have done anything against it. He knew for some years now his cancer will kill him at some point. And for nearly a year now when he took a look at his scans, he looked just like a Christmas tree. Shining lights where the tumors were and where the cancers decided to destroy his body. Well so kinda everywhere.

Larry Stylinson One Shots | boyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now