Club Red

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I couldn't sleep all I kept thinking about was the events of last night, so when I got to work this morning lets just say I was hanging.
"Bella hello!"
"Bella what's wrong with you?....hello!"
I zoned out for like the hundredth time today, lucky I only have 2 hours till finish it's not that The lack of sleep is effecting me it's more that I can't get that Fico and the other guys out of my head I think I'm going crazy. After the attack I got from Lucas I decided not to mention it, but did make a point of carrying pepper spray with me at all times.
"Bella, you have 3 seconds before I pour this water over you!" Alexa was getting fed up with my constant distance from the conversation she keeps trying to have with me.
"Alexa, I'm sorry I have a lot on my mind" I say hoping she won't prey.
"We're going out tonight well me, Chase, Blake and Robyn. Was wondering if you wanted in or not?" I can tell she's dying for me to go out she has been since I met her.
"I don't know"
"Aw come on it will be fun, you can come to mine and get ready. It will get your mind away from whatever it is going on" she thinks pulling a pouty face puts emphasis on her apparent need for my company.
"Ok, but I don't have any clothes for clubbing. And it's a Saturday where are we gunna go that isn't going to be full?"
"Duh club Red." She says making me sound a little stupid that I'd even think about anywhere else. The moment I heard club Red I began thinking about last night 'would they be there' I started to get sweaty palms.

Work ended and we were all getting ready to leave, " can't wait for tonight" Alexa said she really is looking forward to it hasn't shut up actually. " you might as well come straight to mine and borrow my stuff" Alexa really isn't going to let me get away, " sure" I said trying to just get on with the night hopefully have a good time. As we hooped into Alexa's car we drove bout 15mins to her apartment, her apartment building is mostly full of families and older residents so it's quiet and peaceful. Alexa opened her door, her place has simple style and yet slightly edgy like her, unlike my place that's got mostly pale colours and only a few pictures."well I'll make us something to eat, so we won't go out on an empty stomach because I'll tell you that nothing is worse. You can go and look in my closet see if you can find an outfit for tonight" Alexa clearly hasn't ever had toilet paper stuck to her foot or had her dress tucked into her pants I can think of loads of things worse then an empty stomach. When I reached her closet there seemed endless amounts of clothes "how am I going to find anything in here" I said to myself as I was routing through the practically pieces of fabric that would barely cover my bum. I ended up deciding on a black jumpsuit with lace detail on the chest area.
"FOOD'S READY" Alexa shouted from the kitchen, "we got chicken and bacon panini's with salad" it looked and smelled really good, "yumm" it was way better then it looked and smelled.
Once we finished I helped wash up and we headed to Alexa's room to get ready. "What the hell Bella! we are going to a club not to dinner with your boyfriends Christian parents"  she picked up the jumpsuit and returned to the closet then picked out a black I'm assuming dress with most of it cut away exposing my ribs half my ass and boobs,
"no way! Alexa I'm not wearing that" I firmly said there was no way id go out in public like that.
"Fine.... How about ........ This?" She picks out a skin tight red dress, but at least it covers for the most part but it was going to be as good as it's gets. Then we spent the next 2 hours on make up and hair, Alexa was stunning with her bright blue eyes that stood out against her light blonde hair and navy blue sparkly skater style dress.

About 10 minutes after we were finished getting ready it was 8:15pm, there was a knock at the door Alexa jumped up and ran. Instantly the door was pulled open, Chase was first through, he was wearing a nice white Ralph Loren shirt with skinny black jeans that made his spiked up blonde hair fit perfectly, next was Blake he was wearing a pair of skinny dark blue jeans matched with a t-shirt, Blake has quite dark hair and is slightly bigger build then his best mate Chase.
"Alexa looking good as always" Chase said he and Blake then saw me and stared with their mouths wide open.
"Bella wow..... Err wow, you look incredible" Chase awkwardly said while rubbing the back of his neck. "I know she looks good doesn't she, I'm just amazing " Alexa said with cockiness,
"Where's Robyn ?" I asked hoping they would stop focusing on me. "She's on her way up now, she was on the phone to Marc" Marc is Robyn's boyfriend they've been together for 7 months.

A couple of minutes later Robyn walks in crying "Robyn what's wrong?" Alexa went straight to her side to comfort her, " Marc and I broke up" wow I did not see that coming they were always so good together "he cheated on me" at this point she's in hysterics. "What a fucking asshole" Blake shouted "yeah he's a twat  Robyn you deserve better" Chase said trying to comfort her as well while Blake wanted nothing more then to beat the shit into him.
"Come on Robyn forget about him and let's go party the fucking night away" Alexa has been trying to softly convince Robyn to continue with the plan for tonight for 20 minutes.
"Yeah I guess so" Robyn seemed to be ok now she hasn't cried for the last 8 minutes.
"Let's go !!" Alexa jumped up, we all picked up our bags and headed down the lift to the ground floor, we all crammed into a taxi that dropped us off    outside club Red.

It was as big and as crowed out front as last night, we got into the cue that was moving pretty fast it was now 9:20 and the club would be now filling up, most of the people waiting we're pretty much the same age as us all pretty young wearing almost nothing in super high heels. It took about 10 minutes to get to the front of the line where we were greeted by 4 big built bouncers one of them that was slightly smaller then the others ask us to show our ID's once we all proved that I was 21, Alexa is 22, Blake is 24, Chase is 22 and Robyn is 22 the bouncer looked us up and down before letting us through. " god they really do check if your good looking enough" I said slightly bewildered "yep" said Alexa popping the P.

The club was amazing the music was great to dance to the dance floor was packed, the decor being dark red gave the place a grown up sex feel and the people in here we're truly gorgeous.  Chase, Blake and Alexa had gone to get drinks while me and Robyn sat in a booth I managed to get, I was looking around at all the people dancing and having a great time that I suddenly noticed the what must be VIP section on the upper floor over looking the dance floor it was full of some if the best looking women I have ever seen they had to be models, the men up there were all wearing suits and most of them looked to be casually talking amongst themselves. About 5 minutes later our friends returned with the drinks mine was double vodka and red bull, mostly because I couldn't taste the alcohol in it "guys I'm just gunna head to the bathroom ok" I said getting up, walking to the bathroom seemed daunting as I would have to dodge knocking into someone or falling over which is very easy to do in these shoes. Once I had gotten to the bathroom in one piece I did what I had to and left as I was walking back to the booth, I just past the stairway up to the VIP's when someone bumped into me hard causing me to fall as I fell I knocked into another guy that was in front of me bringing him down, i landed on the guy and moved of as quick as I could While rubbing my ankle I'd obviously managed to twist while descending I groaned in pain but stopped immediately when I heard a very strong powerful male voice,

  " CAZZO!!"

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