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The man I knocked over stood up with the help of a guy I kind of recognise, the guy then proceeded to give me a hand standing up as well. " thank you" I said,
"Don't worry about it my fratello, has ill manners" (brother) suddenly it clicked when he lifted his head up and our eyes connected ..... It's Fico the man from last night. "per favore stai zitto!, Fratello andiamo" ( please shut up, brother let's go) this guy is Fico's brother..... As the brother turned to me he looked unfazed and proceeded to walk past me and up into the VIP section. "Ignore him, I do" Fico said he stared at me for a short while almost looking for an answer in my face before sudden recognition crossed his.
"Your the girl from the alleyway right?" I felt my heart rate increase "yeah" I say weakly "well it's nice to meet you I'm Fico" he said while extending a hand out to me "it's nice to meet you too, I'm Arabella" I say while accepting his hand which he kissed making me blush.
"Arabella, nice italian name"
"Yeah I guess so"
"You ok?, last night you seemed like you were in trouble" he slightly cocks his head to one side and looks at me curiously.
" yeah I'm ok" I vaguely say hoping he won't try to find out much more, out of the corner of my eye I can see Fico's brother stood looking down over the railings above, I turn quickly to look at him, my eyes instantly locks with his I didn't notice his face when he was down here, but he's even better looking then Fico rugged and strong with an athletic muscle body he has bright blue eyes and dark black hair.
" Dante"
"What?" I say to Fico still with eyes locked with his brother
" my brother you knocked to the floor and who is standing staring at you is Dante " As I turn to face Fico he has amusement all over his face looking back and forth between me and Dante.
"Oh, he seems to be interested in you"
"No way" there's no way he's interested in me.
" well I say he is" Fico is becoming more and more playful and little does he know I can play too.
" wanna prove that little theory" I slyly say in his ear, seemed to work because he looks at me a little shocked and amused "yeah I would actually" he grabs my hand just missing some of the bruises on my wrist from last night and pulls me up the stairs, at the top there's a another big built bouncer who looks between me and Fico "she's with me" looks back at me with a wink, I scrunch my eyebrows together at him. Fico directed me to the little dance area where there were about 20 others dancing "show me what you got" Fico whispered in my ear, Ive never danced in a club with a guy I took dance lessons a lot when I was younger but this is different, I had to do something I can't just stand here, Fico moved behind me rested his head in the crook of my neck I closed my eyes Fico placed his right hand on my waist and taking a deep breath I leaned against him. The music changed and it was a song that I really like, I smiled to myself I can do this with the next beat I dipped my hips pushing my ass into Fico's groin, arching my back then bending forward flicking back up we started moving in sync, people were watching us including Dante.

After awhile dancing Fico let go of my waist and whispered
"I told you....."
After a few seconds I felt his hands place back onto my waist, I started to push up against him again flung my head back and grabbed his neck moving with the music I'm loving teasing him, he grabbed my hand from his neck with the other hand still on my waist turned me so I faced him.

"You trying to make me cum in my trousers?.......Sei bellissima" (your beautiful) Dante huskily said staring into my eyes, I just stared at him completely shocked. " I uhh" I couldn't get any words out,
"Your name petalo?"(petal) he asked blankly. I answered immediately "Arabella" I said it very quickly Dante makes me feel all sweaty and awkward.
"Beautiful Bella"
I managed to direct my eyes from his beautiful ones to the ground. After a couple of seconds of feeling his eyes still on me he lifts my chin to make me look at him again "don't turn away from me" his grip on my chin tightens.

"Boss, there's a problem" a man smaller then Dante says looking rather concerned, Dante averts his eyes from mine and takes a deep breath,
"how important Francesco" he says sounding serious.
"Very, boss it's the Cappello's" just as the man finished his sentence shots surrounded us screams were everywhere, I dropped to the floor behind a near by table as I watched people running for their lives, something suddenly fell in front of me a whimper fell from my lips when I saw it was a young women with blood splatters on her beautiful face, I knew she was dead because her eyes were lifeless and cold.
I felt a hand grab my upper arm and pull me upright a tear escaped as I looked down at the lifeless bodies scattered on the floor. I turned and looked at who had hold of me it was Fico with a 9mml pistol in his hand, I just stared for a moment when a guy came running up the VIP stairs with a machine gun and started shooting aimlessly across the room as the men in suits ran out the exit door, Fico aimed his gun and shot him through the chest ending him in one bullet, What's happening.
"Come on Bella we gotta go" Fico started pulling me across the room headed towards the exit where Dante was stood with a gun of his own, "stupido Cappello's, dio dannato"
(stupid Cappello's, god dammit) Dante shouted as he punched the wall of the corridor that lead to the exit, " how did they get in here that easy?, was Rosso with them?" Dante directed his questions to Fico and the 3 other men around, "no boss Rosso was not with them" one of the men who had been shot in the arm but looked to masking the pain very well said, " that testa di cazzo never does his own work I should've known" (dick head)Dante let out a a deep breath as we made it to the exit door. The door was opened and immediately we saw a gun war outside the three men with us ran out and hid behind a nice blacked out car, I can't believe this is happening I'm right in the middle of a mafia war, I thought I'd escape all this moving from my home in Italy obviously I was wrong maybe I just attract shit. Just as the men behind the car started shooting I felt a piercing pain in my left arm, I looked down to see blood pooling out of the gunshot wound "CAZZO! Bella, Bella the bullet went straight through, look at me" Fico was looking in my eyes it was comforting. I felt tears rolling down my face uncontrollably why am I crying I've been trained to deal with this crap my whole life. " leave her we can't get out of here while looking after a girl who's too weak and risking our lives because you want a fuck Fratello!" Fico tensed at Dante's words and glared at him, who the fuck does he think he is, i can defend myself I've been trained, I'm not weak and I'm not a fuck, I'll fucking show him.

"Give me a madre CAZZO gun!" (Mother fucking)

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