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Neville's P.O.V:

Today's events replayed in my mind, as I stepped through the portrait hole with Harry and Ginny, into Gryffindor common room. It had been such a nice date. I just wish I could tell Ron and Hermione. They're both one of my best friends. I can't just keep lying to them like this.

"Oh hey Nev, Harry, Ginny." Ron greeted us all as I sat down in an armchair next to the fireplace. He looked nervous for some reason, and Hermione - who was sitting next to him on the large sofa, had a straight face on.

"Hey, is everything alright? You guys look kind of nervous." I asked curiously.

"Well, I guess its now or never." Hermione started looking towards Ron, "Ronald and I are dating." My mouth made the shape of an O.

"FINALLY!" Harry shouted, standing up and grinning, "Seamus and Dean both owe me 10 sickles. 

"W-What! That's great! Since when?" I asked happily.

"A few months ago." Ron added.

"Why didn't you tell us before?" Ginny asked, shocked.

"Well, we were worried that Harry would take it the wrong way, and that he would think we didn't care about him as much anymore!" Hermione replied.

"Don't worry guys. I know you'll always be their for 

"But we wanted to tell everyone because it was just killing us on the inside. I mean we tell each other everything. We're best friends. It just made us feel so guilty."

I looked over to Harry and Ginny, who looked as if they were thinking the same thing. But that's exactly what we're doing to you. We looked at each other guiltily, until I remembered something Luna had said to me on a special Hogsmeade trip.

"If they ask, we'll tell them." 

"Guys, I've got something to tell you too."

"What is it" Hermione asked, curiously.

"Luna and I are dating." I stated, as I had suddenly found an interest in my shoes. Until I felt two small arms engulf me in a hug.

"I knew it." Hermione whispered.


The next day, Luna and I slowly wandered into the Great Hall. Hand-in-hand. Without a care in the world.

~The End~

*sobbing uncontrollably* Well. It's all over guys. I hope you all enjoyed this story. I just want to thank all the wonderful people who voted, commented and even just read it! You guys made my day every time you did that, and you are all amazing people.

I just got a FanFiction account so if you would like to follow me on that my username is charlotte1712. I will be posting anything I write on that account, on here as well.

I hope you've all enjoyed reading this story as much as I have enjoyed writing it.

Hugs and Butterfly Kisses,

Your Draco.

P.S. Did anyone get that reference?

P.P.S. I am a huge Starkid now.

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