The Scavenger Hunt

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Luna's P.O.V:
I woke up suddenly, on this Saturday morning. Hearing loud giggles. I opened my eyes and sat up, to see the other girls from my dorm all standing around me. "What's going on?" I thought. My eyes drifted to my sapphire ottomen, where a letter had been placed, on top of a box of chocolates shaped as a heart. A goofy smile made its way onto my face. "Neville..." I thought. Quickly, I stood up and made my way around all of my roomates, towards my ottomen. I picked up the letter, on the envelope, it said, "To Luna, my love..." I tore open the letter to see Neville's neatest handwriting. It read,

Dear Luna,
I know your roomates will wonder who its from, I know it will probably attract a lot of attention, and I know that I said I wanted us to keep it a secret, (and I still want that) but I wanted to make this as romantic as I could. I have set out a scavenger hunt for you! If you don't know what it is I will explain it. Basically, I will give you different clues, the first one is in this letter, each clue will lead you to the next clue, but the last clue, will lead you to a suprise! The first clue is...
This is the place to meet, were secrets can be kept.
Have fun!
Lots of Love
Neville xxx

"Oh my gosh! I have the best boyfriend ever! He planned a scavenger hunt for me! Okay, this is the place to meet, were secrets can be kept. Where do we meet? Where we can keep secrets?"


Without another look at my roomates, I dashed out of my dorm (after taking the chocolates and putting them inside my ottomen), through the Ravenclaw common room, and up the stairs leading to the seventh floor. I paced up and down the corridor three times thinking, "I need a place to meet Neville, I need a place to meet Neville, I need a place to meet Neville" Until the grand, ancient doors were revealed, and I rushed inside. All around the walls were huge pictures of Neville and I, I grinned as I saw a picture of us pulling silly faces at the ball, and there was one were we were dancing together. I searched the room for the clue. Nothing, "But it must be here" I thought. I was just about to give up until I found a small, ornate box sitting on the coffee table, in front of the sofa. I took of the lid and found a piece of parchment labled, Clue No. 2. The parchment read.

Dear Luna,
Congratulations on solving the first clue! Good luck on Clue 2!

A place to run, a place to cry, a place to kiss.

Lots of Love
Neville xxx

"What did that mean? Wait! I know! Its the courtyard where we kissed!" I thought.

I ran out of the Room of Requirement, as fast as I could. Down the stairs, though the Entrance Hall, out the doors, round the back of the school, and there I was, the courtyard. He had made this one quite simple to find, on the bench, where I sat that night, there was a piece of parcment labled, Clue No. 3. It read,

Dear Luna,
Congratulations on solving the second clue. Good luck on the third!

A place where the lions sleep.

Lots of Love,
Neville xxx

"A place where the lions sleep? Hmm... Lions? What lions? Wait! The Gryffindor symbol is a lion! So, the third clue is in a place where the Gryffindor's sleep! The Gryffindor common room!" I thought.

However, I didn't know how to get to the Gryffindor common room, I ended up following someone up there, although the lady in the portrait didn't let me in.

"Why do you want to get into the Gryffindor common room?" She asked.

"Um, well... My boyfriend set up a scavenger hunt, and the third clue is the Gryffindor common room." I replied.

"Oh! Are you Luna Lovegood?" She asked.

"Yes..." I replied.

"Neville Longbottom told me to give you this." She stated, as she handed me a piece of parchment labled, Clue No. 4.

"Thank you!" I said. The parchment read,

Dear Luna,
Congratulations on solving the third clue! Good luck on the fourth!

A place to eat, and say a speech.

Lots of Love,
Neville xxx

"A place to eat, and say a speech... Well we eat in the Great Hall, I could try there..." I thought.

Quickly, I dashed down the stairs, through the Entrance Hall, and into the Great Hall where some people were already having lunch. I peered around looking for a peice of parchment, until my eyes fell on Dumbledore, who was staring at me, and holding a peice of parchment in his hand.

I walked up to the staff table where Dumbledore handed me the parchment. I was just about to leave when Dumbledore spoke.

"You can keep your secrets from your friends Miss Lovegood, but I shall always know..." He stated, smiling.

I left the Great Hall reading as I went. The parchment read,

Dear Luna,
Congratulations on solving the fourth clue! Good luck on the fifth and last one!

My favourite place, where things can grow, whilst we learn.

Lots of Love,

"What grows? Plants! I know! Its a Herbology Greenhouse!" I thought.

I ran out of the Entrance Hall and through the doors of Hogwarts, and down to the Greenhouses. I thought for a minute, which Greenhouse does Neville use?


I dashed over to the second Greenhouse. I opened the door, to find my amazing boyfriend, sitting cross-legged on a red picnic blanket, that was covered in food, of all different types, inculding my favourite, strawberries. Across the Greenhouse walls were fairy lights. I sat down across from Neville, and he poured me a glass of blackcurrent. We sat there for hours together, just chatting, until it began to get dark, and we decided to pack everything, we hadn't ate, up. Neville walked me back to my common room and kissed me goodbye.

I could not have asked for a more perfect date.

LottieGranger17: Hi guys!
Guess what? I'm sick! So that's why I'm posting this during school hours! Anyways, you guys may already know, but I am thinking of writing a Harry Potter Truth or Dare story, so I would love it if you could comment if you want me to do it! As usual, if you enjoyed, please vote and comment! :D

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