Chapter 4

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"Oh. Sorry. Are you alright?" he said.

I looked up at him.

"I'm fine." I said.

"Wow. You're Emory from Lifehouse." he said.

"Yeah. And you're Damon from YouTube." I said.

"You watch my videos?" he asked.

"Of course. Uhm, have you seen Bryan Stars or Johnnie Guilbert?" I said.

"Turn around, shorty." I heard from behind me.

I turned around to see Bryan and Johnnie. I jumped into Bryan's arms and then hugged Johnnie.

"Oh my gosh. I missed you guys so much." I said.

"We've missed you, too." Johnnie said.

"I see you finally met Damon." Bryan said.

"Yeah. I bumped into him." I said.

"I didn't think a singer like you would watch YouTubers." Damon said.

"Well, I live with two." I said.

"Really?" Damon asked.

"Yeah. She lives with me and Bryan. She's Bryan's sister." Johnnie said.

Damon looked a little shocked.

"Emory is your sister?" Damon asked.

"Yeah. Is it that hard to believe?" Bryan asked.

"No. I just didn't think your sister and the lead singer from Lifehouse was the same person. I don't know why." Damon said.

"Well, now you know." Bryan said.

"Is she your girlfriend?" Damon asked Johnnie.

"No. She's my best friend." Johnnie said.

I smiled at Johnnie.

"You guys have no clue how horrible it's been. I can't believe I had once thought this would be fun. I just really hate being alone." I said.

"Wait. You're alone on that bus? What about the rest of the band?" Bryan asked.

"They said they would be on a different bus because they don't sing." I explained.

"They didn't do that with any of the other bands like that." Bryan said.

"I know. I don't get it. Maybe it's because I'm the only girl in the group." I said.

"Yeah. That could be true, too." Johnnie said.

"But then why would they lie?" Damon asked.

"Because of Emory's attitude." Bryan said.

"I'm not that bad, Bryan." I defended myself.

"No, you're not. You just can't stand for someone to lie to you. And I can understand that. I guess that's why we've been honest with each other." Bryan said.

"Exactly. Well, that's not the only reason I've always been honest with you. I've always thought we had the best sibling relationship ever. You're always there for me no matter what. I think you kind of earned my trust by doing that. And besides, you're honest with me. What reason do I have to keep stuff from you?" I said.

"True." Bryan said.

"Come on. This is a party. We can talk about this another time. Let's just go have some fun." I said.

"Come meet some friends of ours." Johnnie said.

I nodded and followed him to a group of people in the corner. They stopped talking when we got over there.

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