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Ivory Richards is a firm believer in Fairy tales since the age of 6 when her mother read to her 'The Cinderella Story'. Cliché. And just like every other 6-year old, she dreamed about her Fairy Godmother, Royal Ball and The Prince Charming, day in and day out. Day dreaming about her Prince Charming, coming to her rescue, riding on the white horse was her favourite part of the day. Little did she knew that growing up in a not-so-rich household with a sibling on lifetime bed rest and College will bring to her the fairytale she's been dreaming about all along. Just with a twist. Nate Turner being one of them. He is nothing like the Prince Charming she read about in books, as a pre-teen. Nowhere near. She despises him from the bottom of her heart. But destiny has some other plans. Quite Wicked ones. Will the series of events awaiting both of them result in the fairytale she always dreamt about or will her dreams shatter into million little pieces when reality hits hard yet again? Will Nate- the new bad boy cum good boy- turn into her Prince. Or in her case, The Knight in not-so-shining-armour? No one knows. The only thing certain is this phase written on her bedroom wall :

"Magic exists, If you Believe!"

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