My mind is racing like a race car... He was my drug I just had to quit. He was my addiction...i dident want to admit it... But now I was forced to quit... Now I'm going through withdrawals it sucks like a Bitch because he was not only my drug but my everything... He was always there until he wasn't... Now I have to learn to live without him... It's gonna be hard. It always is when I get to attached to someone but then they rip there selves away from me... Ripping my heart out in the process... It's horrible to think of going to school tomorrow and to see him walk around like nothing ever happened... I dont want him back bc he was a bad drug a horrible addiction... I made my self quit... I don't want any more drugs... But all I want right now is to quit having this felling
This feeling of waking up in the morning and not seeing his text. The feeling that he still has my heart in his hands... Crushing it to pieces... I knew I would get hurt bc he was to good to be true just.... Just to good to be....