36:never want this to end

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I'm in love with this girl
This girl has chocolate brown eyes
Shorter than me
She's the highlight of my day
With every word she says
Makes me feel them things in my stomach
You know the butterflies
I think im in love
I never want this feeling to end
Shes the cutest when she reply's what
When I call her cute she smiles and blushes and says what
When I say she's cute I mean it I really do
Shes making my world spin again
I think she's the it I've been looking for
We may not have been together for a long time
But there's this thing
This thing called
Love at first sight
She was it the moment I layed
My eyes on her
The moment our eyes made contact
It was hard to pull away
I'm never gonna look away now
Baby you know u light my way
And without her I'm left blinded by darkness
I guess the meaning of this
That's I'm In love with her

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