Chapter 6: Old Memories, New Visions

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"Where... What the fuck? Where am I?"

"You're in the old Gentek building, James... Jimmy... Don't you remember? Young Amaya was here, wasn't she? Galloway got to her first... Brought her to... Well. You know."

James struggled to raise himself up, but found himself restrained onto a surgical table. A strolling desk beside him, full of tools, none of them were bloody, however. The large, bright light, burned into his eyes.

"Why the hell am I strapped down? I'm not doing some type of-... No... I can just use my powers to get out of here."

James, again struggled to get out of his restraints. Still no success. He looked around again to see another small table, only a syringe on it. Empty.

"Ah, you must be trying to get out of your restraints... Poor Jimmy, you can't use your powers right now. I've been working on something for quite some time... Be it, what, two years? You have quite the mouth when you have those powers... Now, you are laid bare... Nothing to protect you."


"Oh, Heller, please, don't get too rowdy. Look, you'll get your powers back soon enough. I've simply... How do I put it... Deactivated them, for a little while... You couldn't be trusted here."

The Voice could be faintly heard over the intercom, saying, "Go in there. Sedate him. We're moving him back out."

A large, shadowy figure, came towards the table which Heller was placed on. "This will only sting for a minute..." The figure injected him with a separate syringe. The voice on the intercom, said, "Heller... Be sure to tell Rooks, he's in for a rude awakening..."

"I'LL BE BACK HERE... DON'T GET SO COMFORTABLE! I'll kill you! I'll... Tear you... A-... -part..."

"Trust me... That won't kill me again."

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