Chapter Four- Malorie POV

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I followed Trevor down the hall toward what I supposed was the lunchroom. We followed the flow of students, being pushed and shoved by their animal instincts to "get to the food." I stuck close to Trevor to avoid being separated. When we finally made it to the lunchroom, I saw Killick at a table in the corner next to one of the big windows. The view through the windows was the football fields, the baseball fields, the next town over, and the mountains. 

Trevor and I joined the line, which was very long, despite the fact that some of the kids were in the other lunch. I looked back over at Killick. "Wow, he looks good in black," Girly Malorie thought. 

"Stop," I told her.

Killick looked over and waved to Trevor and me. We waved back as other people sat down at his table.  Soon, all the seats at his table were full except for one right next to him, that he appeared to be saving. Girly Malorie hoped it was for me. Normal Malorie wanted to sit on the windowsill.

Trevor and I got to the front of the line, scanned our lunch cards, and got in line to get food. Ground beef and cheese in a tortilla. Yum. Not.

We walked over to the table after we got our food. But, just before we got there, a short blond guy tried to sit in the seat next to Killick. "Whoa, bro," Killick said. "That seat is saved."

"For who?" The guy challenged. 

"For a girl who's joining our Magic group."

Suddenly the whole table went silent. "Killick? You're saving that seat for a girl?" A guy with brown hair and green eyes asked incredulously.

"Yes guys, a girl. She should be here any time now." Killick looked up to where Trevor and I were walking towards the table. He smiled. "There she is."

The entire table turned to look in one movement. Killick just waved. "You can sit here Malorie," He said.

I thanked Trevor for showing me the table and went to sit next to Killick. "Guys, this is Malorie. She's new, and she's going to join our Magic group."

"Hey I'm Cody," The green eyed boy said with a smile.

I smiled back at him as the short blond guy who had tried to sit in my seat said, "I'm Bridger."

"Ethan," said the dark haired boy sitting next to him.

"I'm Garett. I hope you like it here," A tall boy with light brown hair said.

"He's also my best friend, so you'll be seeing a lot of him," Killick chimed in.

"Trevor, aren't you going to introduce yourself?" Ethan asked.

"Oh, we already met last hour in Biology. Believe it or not, this girl can make some pretty hilarious noises," Trevor said.

"I was hoping you wouldn't mention that," I said, speaking for the first time since sitting down.

"Sorry," Trevor said apologetically.

"That's okay," I replied. "They'll probably hear it at some point or another anyway." 

"What kind of noises?" Bridger asked as I took a bite of my beef... Thingy.

I swallowed, then replied, "When I laugh so hard I can't breathe, I make this squeak/wheezing noise."

"It is the funniest thing. Trent was almost crying he was laughing so hard," Trevor said.

"Who's Trent?" I asked, confused.

"Our Biology teacher."

"You call him by his first name?"

"Everyone does."

"That's weird."

"Will you make the noise for us?" Garret asked.

"Yeah!" The rest of the table chorused.

"Sorry guys, I can't do it on command," I apologized, nibbling on the fruit cup thing that was placed on my tray by a cafeteria lady.

"Dang it," Cody said.

"I'm sure you'll all hear it at some point," I reassured them. "Anyway, shall we commence with the Magic planning?"

"That's my cue to leave," Cody said. Somehow he had finished all his food.

"Okay. Bye Cody," I said.

"Bye Malorie. It was good to meet you."

"It was good to meet you too."

Once Cody left, we planned when we were going to play Magic. After some conflict, we settled on Tuesday at 5:30, Killick's house. I was still really excited and nervous, despite meeting the people I would be playing with. I was happy they were nice and didn't hate me. But they still didn't know about my art  or my puns yet. Nevertheless, I was still really excited to play Magic.

Out of habit, I pulled my necklace out from under my shirt and rubbed it. There must've been some charm on it to keep the finish from rubbing off, because I rubbed it constantly and it still looked perfect. Wait! Hold up! Was it warmer? Nope. Not happening. I'm only sixteen. But if it was warmer, not saying it is, which guy was it for? I had to notice while I'm sitting at a table full of guys. Great. Was it Killick? Girly Malorie really wanted it to be. "It could be Garret. Or Ethan. Or Bridger. Or Trevor. Or any of these guys sitting in this room, even," Normal Malorie tried to reason.

"Don't care," Said Girly Malorie. "It's Killick."

Terrific. Wow. Amazing. Great reasoning there Girly Malorie.

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