Chapter Five- Killick POV

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Seriously guys don't kill me for this chapter. It was hard for me to write please please please don't kill me😵😵😵 seriously thanks tho

I watched Malorie play with her necklace. Hers was beautiful, silver filigree with intricate swirls and a tiny silver chain. The whole thing was small, delicate, and beautiful, just like her. What the heck? When did I become a romantic? Ughhhh.

Absently, I reached up and rubbed my own necklace. Mine was so different from hers, almost the exact opposite. Mine was a simple golden "X" shape on a black leather cord. But it was warm. Definitely warm.

Looking around, there were lots of girls around me. It could be any of them, but Romantic Killick hoped it was Malorie. I wondered if her necklace was warm too. I wondered what she was thinking about. Part of me hoped she was thinking about me, and the other part just wanted to eat my food and leave. But mostly, I just wondered about my necklace and Malorie.

I ate what I could choke down of the cafeteria food, then stood up. "Hey, I'll see you later, okay?" I told Malorie.

"Will you wait for just a second? I'm almost done," She asked.

"Sure," I replied, sitting back down.

She quickly finished her food, then picked up her backpack, which was almost as big as she was and covered with doodles of Disney stuff. "Wow. That's a big backpack," I said, picking up her tray for her.

"Yep, it is," She replied. Then, noticing the trays in my hands, she said, "You don't have to do that."

"But I want to," Romantic Killick replied, taking over my mouth.


"You're welcome. Those are some cool drawings on your backpack, by the way," I said as we went to get rid of out trays. "Did you draw all of them?"

"Yep, thanks," She replied.

"You are an amazing artist!"

"Thanks!" She said with an elated smile on her face. I noticed she had braces. Cute.

Reining in Romantic Killick, we left the lunchroom and started down the hall. "What classes do you have after this?" I asked her.

She pulled a schedule out of her back pocket and consulted it. "I have Mr Sullivan's advisory, drawing, then choir."

"An amazing artist like you, need to take drawing?" I questioned.

"Yep. You can always be better," She replied.

"'The principle is competing against yourself. It's about self improvement, about being better than you were the day before. -Steve Young," I quoted.

"Wow. That was a great quote, Mr Philosophical."

"Thanks," I said, smiling. "Would you like me to show you were your classes are?"

"That would be nice. Thank you Killick. You're such a good friend."

Romantic Killick freaked out, but Smooth Killick kicked in. "You're welcome. If there's anything you need, just tell me."

"Okay," She replied.

Just then, I saw Charlie, a guy notorious for being a pervert, approaching us. Immediately, Protective Killick kicked in. Just as he was about to slap Malorie's butt, I grabbed his wrist. "Dude. This is my girl. Don't touch her," I said, releasing his wrist and putting my arm around Malorie.

"Sorry, man. Didn't know," Charlie said, walking away.

When he was where he couldn't see us, I took my arm off Malorie's shoulders. "Sorry," I said. "Guys like that only respect ownership, so I had to make him believe you were my girlfriend so he wouldn't try that when I wasn't around."

"She was shaking a little bit, but she nodded. "I get it," She whispered. "Thank you Killick."

"You're welcome. Are you okay?" I whispered back, concerned.

"Just a little frightened. This has happened before, at my old school, but I didn't have anyone to make it stop."

"Don't worry. I won't let them get you again. Never," I whispered to her, looking down into her scared eyes.

"Thank you," She whispered back.

"Do you still want me to show you where your classes are?"

"Yes, please."

We started walking again, but in silence this time. It wasn't an awkward silence though, but a silence of just being grateful for each other. When we reached Mr Sullivan's room, I didn't want the moment to end. We stopped and I said, "This is Mr Sullivan's. He teaches all the music classes." Then, pointing to the door just to the right, I added, "That's Mr Trythall's classroom. He teaches all our art classes, I think."

"Thank you Killick. You're a life saver," She said, handing me a Lifesaver.

We cracked up. Out of breath from laughing, I gasped, "I knew you made funny noises, but that wasn't a noise. That was a full out pun! It was pretty good too!"

Romantic Killick wanted to shower her in compliments, but Normal Killick was too shy. Protective Killick wanted to maul Charlie for looking at his Malorie. But Killick as a whole did the best he could without seeming overly interested.

"Thanks! I was worried you would hate my puns," Malorie replied.

"I could never hate anything you do!" Romantic Killick wanted to say. Normal Killick compromised with, "No, you're funny."

"Thanks! How much time do we have before the bell?"

"Five minutes. Why?"

"I wanted to go see more of the school. Will you show me?"

"Sure. Come with me."

I showed her the gyms, the math hall, the freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior halls, the wood and metal shops, the trophy cases, the office, and the vending machines, one of the necessities of high school. Soon, the bell rang. "Would you like me to walk you back to Mr Sullivan's?" Smooth Killick asked.

"If it's not too much trouble," Malorie replied.

"No trouble at all. Shall we?"

"Of course."

We walked down the hall to Mr Sullivan's. When we got there, Malorie looked up into my eyes and said, "Thank you Killick. You've been such a big help."

I smiled. Looking back into her eyes, I replied, "Anytime Malorie. Remember I'm here if you need anything. See you later."

"See ya!"

She walked into Mr Sullivan's and I left for my advisory, thinking of her the whole time.

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