"Audrey, the day we met, you understood me the way no one else understood me.
I understood you the way not many people understand.
You liked me since the 8th grade and you've held back from me.
Heck I still don't know why you didn't just kiss me and run.
I never gave you a chance because I was scared to hurt you.
I didn't want to start something if I knew I was leaving the next year.
And I left that year and Riker helped you through it and I'm glad he did.
You promised me that when you turned 18 you would come to me.
And you did, those years without you were horrible and I don't want to be without you.
So Audrey I know you dreamed of being a Lynch but I know you wanted to be a Sanders.
So will you be my Audrey Sanders and marry me" he finishes opening a little black box.
The box reveals a silver ring with a red diamond."Ryan I can't.." I say and shut the box and it on the table.
I put my hand to his cheek and he looks up at me.
His eyes slowly watering."Why"is all he manages to get out.
"I-" I start to say but his phone rings indicating there's news about me.
He checks his phone and his eyes widen with tears rolling down his cheeks."I'm guessing this is why" he says showing me the front of a magazine of Riker and I kissing.
"I just don't understand you" he says.
"Ryan Im-" I start to say but he cuts me off.
"Just stop Audrey" he says getting up throwing his napkin on the table and leaving.
I run after him but he slams our bedroom door in my face.I turn around and slide my back down against the wall and cry until I see a certain pair of converse in front of me.
I look up and see Ross and I reach up to hug him.
He sits next to me and let's me cry into his shoulder.
He pulls away enough to see my face with mascara running down my cheeks.
He puts his hands to my cheeks and wipes away my tears."Audrey, don't cry, you're too beautiful to cry" he says and pulls me back I'm for a hug.
"Thanks Ross" I say, "but you should go back downstairs for Courtney's sake" I tell him.
"Feel better Blake" he says and goes downstairs leaving me with a wink.
I stand up and go into me and Ryan's room. I find him sitting at the end of our bed hands to his face."Babe, please listen to me "I say and sit on his lap holding his hands.
"I'm sorry, I really am.. its just I need time to think about this, you're an amazing guy and I love you a lot" I tell him honestly.
"But, I also love Riker" I admit to him. "But looking over what I did today just wasn't right and I'm sorry" I say.
"And I'm sure that I love you more than him.
But I just want to be sure and I still want to be your girlfriend while I think about that" I say looking down.
He looks up and I kiss him feeling everything.
I pull away and open my eyes."I love you" I whisper.
"I love you too baby" he says.

In Our Separate Minds (IOM Series:Book 2) (Completed)
Teen FictionBASED ON A TRUE STORY Bay Evans is 22, 5"9, platinum blonde (with baby blue ends) hair crème skin, likes Rocky Lynch, Neon Pink, Lime Green (played by Vanessa Morgan) Audrey Blake is 23, 5"2, Chestnut blue ends , pale skin, likes Ryan Smith, Navy Bl...