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"BECAUSE TAYLOR!!!!", I shouted.

"Hannah I didn't cheat on you!!!", he shouted as he cried.

"NASH SHOWED ME THE PICTURE!!", I shouted louder this time. 

"What? Nash did this?", Taylor asked.

"STOP BEING STUPID!!!!", I yelled.

"Hannah please calm down I need to explain this to you", he said.

I calmed down and took a seat on the sofa.

"Han I promised you I wouldn't cheat on you again and I kept that promise. That picture he showed you was when we were in Magcon and you had went back home....when we broke up", he explained.

"So you didn't cheat?", I asked.

"No baby I would never do that to you and our son again", Taylor said wrapping his strong arms around me.

"I'm so sorry", I sobbed into his shoulder.

"Baby it's okay....you were upset and vulnerable", he said stroking my hair.

I hugged Taylor and let my emotions pour out.

"I'm so sorry for leaving you", he said.

"It's okay I'm just glad your back", I whispered.

Taylor slipped the ring back on my finger and wiped my tears away. After the thirty ninth time of saying how he wanted to hit Nash we finally went to sleep. I'm so glad he didn't cheat.
•••••2 months later•••••
            "Oh my gosh thank you, yes I'll be there soon", I said as I hung up the phone.

"TAYLOR!!!!!!", I shouted as I ran in our room and jumped on him.

"Babe what?", he groaned.

"The nurse called and we can pick up Caleb!!", I said.

"Oh my gosh!!! Get dressed", he said.

I put on a white shirt, jean shorts, flannel and combat boots. I curled my hair and we went out to the car. I haven't seen Caleb since we left and I was curious about how he looked. How big was he? Was he healthy? So many questions flooded my mind. Taylor placed his free hand on mine and smiled. We pulled up outside the hospital and I was shaking.

"Taylor what if I'm not ready to be a mom?", I asked.

"Babe your ready okay?", he said grabbing my hand.

I got out of the car and grabbed some of Caleb's things he would need. We walked in and the familiar smell of tears, pain, sickness and latex gloves was thick. We walked to Caleb's unit and he wasn't in the little box. I began to panic but a nurse told us to follow her. We did as we were told. Another nurse turned around and there he was. My perfect little boy. Caleb Taylor Caniff. Caleb is still small but he's perfect. His brown eyes are sparkly. His cute little smile. Everything.

"Babe he's so perfect", Taylor whispered.

The nurse handed him to me and I was ecstatic. I'm getting to hold my baby for the first time. I've held baby's before but I never imagined holding my own. When I was holding him I felt like a real mom.

"Hi kiddo", I said in a baby voice. "You get to come with us".

"Hey quit hogging the kid and let me hold my little playa", Taylor said holding his arms out.

I kissed Caleb's forehead then passed him to Taylor. Taylor grabbed a bandanna he bought for Caleb and placed it on him. It was so cute.

"Alright baby let's take him home", Taylor said.

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