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    I waited excitedly for Cody to come up to the room. When I heard the knock I jumped out of my seat and ran towards the door.

"Hello love", Cody said handing me flowers then pecking my cheek.

"Thanks for the flowers", I said smiling.

"Well let's go my dear", he said holding out his arm.

I linked my arm with his and walked out of the hotel. I walked past Taylor's room and strange noises were filling the silent hallway. Gross Taylor. I shrugged it off and walked out to Cody's car!!!!! Cody had a mustang!!! I got in and Cody did too.

"You look lovely this evening", he said admiring my dress.

"Oh this old thing? Please it's nothing", I said giggling.

Cody chuckled then we just made small talk. My thoughts drifted back to Taylor and that girl.
•••Taylor's pov•••
         "Wow Tay that was awesome", Holland said collapsing on the bed next to me.

"Yeah it was baby girl", I said smiling at her.

Dang Holland does things to me that I haven't felt in awhile. Holland and I seem to be getting closer. I kind of like her. I'll always love Hannah but it's over between us and I need to let that go.

"Holland I was thinking that we could be more official?", I asked.

"Yes Taylor!!!", she said kissing me.

Hannah's face came to mind when she kissed me. I wondered what she was doing right now? I should go check on her and make sure she's okay. I pulled a hoodie and shorts on then left the room. I went to Maggie's door and knocked on it.

"Hey Tay what's up?", she asked.

"Is Hannah here I need to check on her and tell her something", I said.

"No Hannah's on a date with Cody", Maggie said.

I was crushed but I'm doing the same thing to her only with Holland. I walked back into my room and cuddled with Holland. I do like holland but she's not Hannah.
••••Hannah's pov••••
            I was currently in a fit of laughter because of Cody. I had such a great time with Cody. He's funny, sweet, caring and a good listener.

"So Cody?", I said.

"So Hannah?", he said chuckling.

"Is it an issue that I'm pregnant?", I asked.

"Hannah I don't care if your pregnant because i want to be with you and if being with you means your pregnant then so be it", Cody said.

Cody's words and accent melted my heart. I haven't felt this way in awhile. I looked down and tried to hide my smile. Cody lifted my chin and looked into my eyes. I gazed into his blue eyes and saw something in him. Cody placed his hand on my waist and looked at me.

"Your hand is on my waist", i said blushing and smiling.

"How did it find itself there?", he asked now in a deep and low whisper.

Cody leaned closer and closer until his lips were touching mine. I kissed him back and we stood in the park making out and getting looks from older people passing by but I didn't care. Cody pulled away and smiled.

"What?", I asked him as he stared at me.

"It's just I didn't know someone could be so beautiful", he said.

I smiled then placed a kiss on his lips. Cody interlocked our hands and we walked around for awhile. I had a text from Maggie
From Maggie poo 😘: hey it's getting late.......where r u? R u okay?

Crap I forgot. The hotel we are staying at shuts it's doors at like eleven.

To Maggie poo 😘: I'm fine just in the park with Cody and I'll be there soon.

"Cody I hate to stop our wonderful evening but I have to be back at the hotel before eleven", I said.

"Okay let's go babe", he said.

Cody helped me into the car and drove to the hotel.

"Thanks for an amazing night", I said smiling.

"Your what made it amazing Hannah", he said winking at me.

I kissed him and then got out of the car. I walked in and upstairs to the room I was sharing with Maggie.

"So how was it?", she asked.

"Maggie it was amazing! We laughed and had such a great time....I may have feelings for him", I said in awe.

"Oh Hannah you deserve a guy who will treat you right", Maggie said.

"Well I'm going to go shower and then the little one and I are hitting the sack", I told her.

I took my shower then went to sleep. I do have feelings for Cody but not the way I do for Taylor. I'm so confused. I guess love is like a game. You have to play and see. 💕

If your confused.....Hannah likes Cody but she's in love with Taylor so she's confused and can't decide.

Leave your nice thoughts and comments!!! And who you ship.



Loves 💕

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