Chapter Ten - Love and Lust

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            “Forest,” Eleanor said, “You’re on the tele.” I quickly lowered the book I’d borrowed from her, and popped my head up.  “Not a very good picture, but I can tell it’s you,” she continued, tipping forward for her elbows were on her knees.

            I was on the news. Lottie’s runaway incident had been warped into something huge. There were theories, and there were people devoting themselves to crack the code. They didn’t know she was simply a girl who wanted to leave home.

            And they didn’t know the girl in the photograph with said runaway wasn’t her kidnapper. Splendid.

            “In your defense, you look completely sane,” Eleanor promised me, her eyes flitting away from the screen, cracking a half smile. I returned the smile, tucking my legs underneath and returning to my novel. It was good, the book, not the fact I was an assumed criminal. I hadn’t read anything in a while, other than the occasional picture book from the bookstore. It was nice to get immersed a different world.

            “No need to humor me, Max took care of the police,” I reminded her, looking at the photograph one last time as it faded away, “I know I look crazy.” She laughed, and I wouldn’t dare her this, but I really liked her laugh. It may have been a bit too posh for my taste, but that was just Eleanor’s persona.

            She shrugged and picked up the remote, flicking it another channel. I had suggested we watch something on her computer, but she shook her head. She said we could see things online by accident, or by curousosity, and we wouldn’t want to see them.

            News surrounding One Direction was at a high with the recent events, and Eleanor was afraid we’d to easily stumble into something relating to me. It wasn’t just me in the news though. There were several stories.

            The news Zayn had told me four days prior, about him breaking up with his girlfriend, was apparently big. They were a celebrity couple, and they’d seemed to be growing strong. Even with that information it didn’t shock me all that much. I of all people knew it was easy to hide what was really going on within you.

            The other bits of news were less noteworthy, at least in my opinion, but Eleanor assured me it would be all the net.

            One story involved Carly, Liam, and her fiancé. It was a bit of scandal really. Another story involved a leak of some song. Then there was one story about Eleanor and Louis breaking up, although Eleanor didn’t initially elaborate on that one. She shook it off, saying it was constant.

            May I remind you I said initially.

         One I asked for more information she sprung a leak. Not so much the tears, but the entire situation. It was like poking a stick at a faulty dam. It only took seconds for everything to come through. After she told the story I have to admit I gained some respect for the girl. She had to deal with a lot. She was told her relationship with her boyfriend was fake by thousands of people. I couldn't imagine it, but it sounded awful.

            I gave her one last glance before returning to my book. Eleanor had said it was her favorite, although she’d never admit it to most anyone. It was one of those books revolved around a romance, interesting subplots going on, all connecting to the moment the couple became official. I used to love them before I ran away, and I still enjoyed them, but I couldn’t love them anymore.

            I imagine it’s like old prisoners telling troubled kids that jail hardens you. Only, it’s living off the street instead of living in a facility with high monitoring. I wouldn’t say it hardens you, only that it sets you straight. A love story is interesting, but the type published fooled you into thinking they’re possible.

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