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I suck at writing so bare with me through out the story.

I was on my bed scrolling through twitter like ay teenage girl. I stop scrolling when I noticed a 5sos update.

'@5sosUpdates: go check out 5 seconds of summer knew album
Sounds good feels good is now out in the U.S'

I screamed and almost fell out of my bed.

My Aunt Kristi came running through the door.

"What's wrong I heard a scream." She said out of breath.

"5 seconds of summers new album came out." I said

"Oh my gosh, don't scare me like that Ariana!"

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you I just got excited."

She rolled her eyes and walked out of the room.

I decided to get their new album so I got dressed. I changed out of my sweatpants into black skinny jeans and a white crop top and some white converse.

I grabbed my keys to my car and told my Aunt that I'm going to the music store and walked out the door


Once I got to the store i walked towards the number section, since it was categorized by artist. Once I found 5 seconds of summer I immediately looked through to find the sounds good feels good album.

"They're my favorite band too" Said a familiar voice.

I suppose the boy was talking to me since the was no one else in the section. I slowly turned around trying to get the album and said

"That's kinda of odd because not alot of boys li-" I froze with my mouth open.

He giggled at my expression
ITS CALUM FREAKING HOOD!So many things were running through my head.

He just starred at me while I was trying to keep my inner fangirl.

"Umm.." I said still in shock.

"Hi I'm Calum, which you probably know since you look in complete shock." He said

I nodded "Hey I-im Ariana, i-it's really nice t-to meet y-you" I stuttered.

He chuckled "Well it's really nice to meet you too, um...are you getting our album" He said pointing to the C.D.

"Yeah, I heard that it was out and came straight over here to get it." I said kinda embarrassed.

"That's cool let me buy it for you."

"No please, I can buy it myself that's really nice of you though."

"Please I insist, it the least I can do."

"No its okay I got it."

"Come on its not that big of a deal."

"Fine, I guess." I said knowing that he won't stop asking even though I told him it was fine.

He smiled and grabbed it out of my hand and walked over to the cashier and placed it on the counter.

"Oh my gosh hi, you're Calum Hood right?" She said.

He nodded "That's me."

Once he bought it I thank him and he asked If I wanted a picture and I said yes.

Once we took the picture he asked to see it.

I nodded and gave him my phone. He looked at it for a while, I was stared wonder if started to look at other pictures. That would be really embarrassing know that I have lots of weird pictures in there. Once he gave it he had a little smirk on his face. Ugh! I knew he was probably looking at other pictures.

"Look at your contacts"

'cal-pal' was saved in my phone!

I looked up at him, he was still smiling " I trust you not to leak it." He said

I nodded as he went out if the store. I followed out of the store and into my car. Once I was in my car I let the fangirl out of me. I stopped once I realized that Calum was outside my window laughing and staring at me.

I cheeks blushed red of embarrassment and then drove away.

Once Upon A Fangirl {discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now