3) Response

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*Photo of the chapter, how the react to everyone finding out *
Your body was jittering with anxiety. You've kept it a secret for a while, but you knew that you would no longer be able to hide it. You regretted it deeply going to Phil's Parents house, but you would have to tell them no matter what. Phil rubbed the back of your hand, assuring you that everything would be okay. Slowly you both inched towards his parents house."P-Phil..."You whimpered, shaking with terror. You couldn't stop think about how they would react, it was scary think the would not accept you. You couldn't stand the single thought of it. Phil pulled you close to him and squeezed you tight, your face falling into his chest,"Y/N sweetheart, what ever happens inside of that house , I promise I'm staying here with you." You nodded pushing away the tear running down my face. He smiled at you and to ahold of your hand," O-Okay."Once again you both started walking forward. Phil knocked on the door and instantly Phil's mother answered at the door."Phil, Y/N! Come in sweethearts,"You couldn't help but smile. Although Phil's mother was awfully sweet, you stomach still stung with fear. You did your best to ignore it.Phil's mum gestured you both in and sat you down,"So, what brings you too lovebirds here?" You looked over at Phil who could instantly see the fear in your eyes,"We actually have some news for you."Phil's father walked into your room, once again raising your anxiety."Hello Phillip, Y/N,""So what is the news love?" His father smiled. Which thankfully reassured you as he seemed to be in a very good mood. You caught your breath and looked over at Phil.He nodded and smiled. For the last time, you again drew in a deep breath,"I'm Pregnant."Phil's Mum eyes light up as she gasped and put put her hands to her mouth.His father let out a huge chuckle and smiled at me."You too almost gave me a heart attack there, oh sweetheart, I'm so happy for you too ," His dad said smiling wide. You somehow actually managed to begin crying tears of joy along with his mum,"Oh darling."She hugged you her lovely warm hug that made you happy,"I love you.I'm so happy for you too."His dad joined in came and hugged you too.This was the first time you'd ever seen him cry.
Thankfully there were his tears of joy.
"Dan," Phil called out into his phone, Dan had absolutely was not listening and was stuck into something else."Daniel Dam mint," You chuckled at Phil's words and Dan immediately answered,"Jesus Phil, relax I'm here." "Dan I'm Pregnant," You managed to just say it out loud and Dan fell into a pit off quietness."Well, I guess there's know a use for Uncle Dan." "You're the one who actually welcomed that in Dan,"
You both sat inside the car, hoping to escape most of the noise from Manchester. Today you would be telling his parents, and you were actually pretty excited to do so. Dan clicked the bottom and the loud ring filled the car. Dan squeezed your hand tight and you laid your head on his shoulder,"Daniel, this better not be one of your jokes again," You and Dan fell into a fit of laughter,"Don't worry mum, I promise this is not a joke," "Daniel James I swear," You couldn't help but laugh at his mothers reaction, you hadn't even told her yet."Alright mum, we have news for you ,""What is it Love," You squeezed Dan's hand once more,"I'm pregnant," Dan's mother became quiet quickly and didn't say a thing,"Are you sure it's not a joke?""Mum, we're not lying," You heard his mother's heartily chuckle on the other end,"Oh deary me, I'm going to be a grandmother,"You smiled,"Yes you are," "Oh just wait till your father hears about this!" His mother exclaimed.
Dan's face immediately fell.
He looked over to catch your glance, you could see he was beginning to feel uncomfortable."Dan, don't worry, babe ," He pursed his lips and sighed. Dan never really talked about his father, and you could tell that they weren't the closest.
He squeezed your hand tightly as you both began to hear whispering in the background.
Thankfully afterwards you heard the lovely sound of laughter.
"Oh Daniel, you take good care of your Y/N," "I promise dad I will,""You are going to be a great father Dan,"
"Hi Phil," You began, as you embraced with him in a hug. You hadn't really seen Phil for a while as he lived on the other side of town, but thankfully he had decided to stop by in town. "What's up?" "Well we actually have some news for you," He smiled,"Oh really? Philly likes news." You chuckled at his humor, after all Phil was 29, and still acted as if he was still 10. "Phil, I'm pregnant," Phil laughed,"Man you guys got me good, Alright which camera am I looking at?" You shook your head as Dan peeped his head out from the kitchen,"Phil she's not kidding she's actually pregnant," Phil's mouth dropped and his mouth formed into a smile,"Oh my god, your serious?" You smiled once again at him,"Have I ever lied to you Phil?" "What? This is definitely impossible,"

Sorry this isn't the best and I've left you all waiting, I've been super busy, also if you're up for it follow me on insta, @tear.in.my.howlter luv u all see you soon

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2016 ⏰

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