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I was so happy when I got home, now me and Yomiko can hang out more today and for the whole weekend, honestly, it's a bit funny on how fast I grew fond of Yomiko for only meeting her for, it started getting dark out and I was getting bored " Hey Yomiko do you want to watch a movie or something?" I asked, " oh actually can we go out walking" Yomiko asked, hmm I never thought of walking at night this could be interesting " You know what? Why not" I said while smiling, this seemed to make her happy cause it made me happy too, as we were walking in the night it felt incredible I bet she does this often, I wouldn't blame her, I came to halt to see the public park, the park that me and my parents went for a picnic as in my picture in my room, I smiled and stared, " Kyochi, are you ok?" Yomiko asked " this was the park I went with my parents for a picnic when I was Five" I explained to her, at the corner of my eye I could tell she was staring at me " we had the picnic at that tree next to the playground so when I was done eating I would always play while my parents watched me" I said, I closed my eyes and saw my memory, it has been to too long, I missed those times, then I was pulled out my memory cause Yomiko was pulling me," Then we can make new Memories Kyochi" she said, I blushed I guess on what I said it was out loud for her to hear, she dragged me to the tree and sat down while I sat down with her, it was peaceful and absolutely breath taking, the peace got disturbed by a twig snapping , I turned my head toward the direction " You heard it too?" Yomiko asked I nodded in reply, then I turned my head toward the swing set to only see a silhouette of someone near, it didn't take long for it to come chasing after me, I gasped in shock from a sudden pain in my side " Kyochi!" Yomiko cried, the silhouette was about to hurt me again but I caught their arm in time I put the silhouette in the moonlight as the only light source, it was a girl, and she had ears like Yomiko! " N-No way" I choked out " you're a Meifwa" I heard Yomiko say " Of course I am " the girl said bitterly, " why did you try to hurt me?" I asked the mysterious girl " I don't think your little girlfriend told you, did she?" Did she just call Yomiko by girlfriend oh lord, I blushed but I didn't want Yomiko to see but to my surprise she was blushing too, " Once a meifwa is spotted, we are supposed to erase the memory of the human of ever meeting one" she said " I gasped " Humans in Japan tortured the Meifwa society, and made them slaves for being different, and those who were weak were killed" she explained I had no idea what to say and it's been only a week! " Yomiko... This is true?" I asked, she looked guilty for not telling me " I'm so sorry Kyochi", I thought of stuff for a while then finally spoke " once you erase my memory can I least keep Yomiko as a pet so I can remember her for who she is?" I asked the girl, now it was her turn to be shocked, she looked at both of gave a sigh " maybe I'll accept you, Names?" I smiled at her, and stood up " I'm Kyochi and this is Well Yomiko" I said "Well nice to meet you, I'm Saizu, and for now maybe I can protect you." It's been awhile sense I met Saizu in the park, when she said she was going to protect me she wasn't lying, when I was sleeping I heard her open my door every fifteen minutes, plus when I get to my school she turns into her cat form to make sure I get there safe, but I guess I wouldn't blame her though, she is very serious with her work and wants things to be done right, so I can expect her to be a strict mother type. " I wonder what might happen to me if someone were to find out" I thought during class, it was almost the end of the day so I was just on my phone as I waited until finally the final bell rang, I then walked to my locker only to see Taka waiting for me " Hey Kyochi!" " Damn, so close" I sighed in annoyance as I walked up to them, " Hi Taka, Taka's Friends" I faked greeted them " Hey, Kyochi their not just my friends, they can be yours too" Taka smirked, " So what do you have in store for me today Taka" I asked feeling nervous again " I thought you'll never ask Kyochi" Taka said still smirking as he leaned against my locker, can't I smack that smirk off him for just once? " I am thinking on going to the beach today maybe you can come with us, I hope you met a girl to take with you" Taka said while winking at the end, " Oh My God" I thought, he is the lady's guy, even if I thought of bringing a girl with me she would just fall in his arms like any other girl in this school " It's not like I have a choice" I finally responded " Great! Now be there at three o'clock sharp, got it?" Taka again so serious at the end again " Oh what time you said was it, twelve at midnight?" I asked sarcastically, maybe a wrong choice to make sense he looked at me intensely, until he finally laughed with his friends tagging along " Three o'clock Kyochi, dang you are a funny guy" Taka said " See you soon" Taka sang that last part while walking away, yep what luck. " Yomiko, Saizu, I'm heading out" I called to them, Saizu the one to respond first " Heading where?" She asked eagerly " I'm going to the beach, I'm getting dragged into this unfortunately, Yomiko I told you about Taka, right?" I asked her " The one that forced you to go to that party? Yeah I remember" Yomiko responded " Do I need to go with you?" Saizu asked " No! You don't have to I mean, besides you can't be out in the open like that any way, I promise I'll be safe ok" I told Saizu, while heading out the door," I should be back around five" " I guess I can allow it, just don't get into any trouble" she responded, " Sure thing, see you girls soon".

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