Chapter 4

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" Hey Kyochi, aren't you going to swim?" One of Taka's friends asked, I was a bit hesitant to answer " Come on Kyochi, at least have some fun, just take off your shirt and come in" Taka said, easy for him to say not having to worry about anything, the beach was crowded and I'm sure a lot of the girls are already swooning over him " Hey, don't tease the poor boy" I looked up in surprise to see a short blonde girl wearing a black bikini and a hat, " He can swim on his own accord, don't force him to do anything if he doesn't want too" she said to Taka but he just smirked at the girl, " Don't you want to swim with me cutie?" he asked while winking, as I rolled my eyes, I can't take this guy serious " Actually I will like to stick with Kyochi" I then looked up at her shocked, I think this was the first time I heard a girl decline Taka's offer, " That's fine then, Kyochi when you're ready come and bring her while you're at it too" Taka said while I just sighed and shook my head in annoyance," I'm Erishima" she introduced herself as she sat next to me as I noticed her bright green eyes " Hi, and you already know my name " I said to her as I smiled," Yep, Kyochi" she replied " I'm sorry to ask but, why did you stick up for me?" I asked " Oh, well let's just say you're not the only one to be alone with these kind of bonding stuff" Erishima said " What? Really you, but you're so sweet" I told her " Aw, Kyochi, well your sweet too" Erishima said while lightly blushing, we slowly started to talk more and just admired the ocean, which made me finally want to swim," Hey I think I'm ready to swim now, want to come?" I asked " Oh, well actually..." she was hesitant and that's when I started to notice something behind her back, a tail! she is also a Meifwa! " Hurry hide it" I whispered to her all wide eyed " Huh?" She was confused, she didn't know! I had to think of something quick I then glanced at my towel and had an idea, " Oh, you missed a spot on your back Erishima, here I have sunscreen" I said going behind her while grabbing my towel quickly " Aw Kyochi! You too sweet-" she was then cut off when I wrapped my towel around her while hiding her tail, You got to be more careful Erishima if it weren't for me you would've gotten caught" I whispered to her " Wait what?! You're not afraid?" She asked, " Not at all" I then explained everything to her on what happened to me. When I told Erishima on how I met Yomiko and Saizu she was completely shocked, it was also an impact that how long I've had them in my House, " So you're not afraid" Erishima said, " Well if I'm afraid of three girls with the same species then there's something wrong with me" I said jokingly, until I realized she jumped on me while hugging me tight " Kyochi your so sweet! I like you a lot!" She Exclaimed " And yet we just met" I added while she giggled, then she got off me and looked a little hesitant " Do you think I can-" Erishima looked like she was zoning out, she was nervous to ask me something but I have an idea on what it is, and I honestly did not mind " Do you think I can stay with you?" Erishima asked with her pleading green eyes, it made her look so adorable" You know what why not, I'm just not sure how Saizu will react so stay by my side for when you meet her" I told her " Oh My Gosh, Thank you! And I sure will! " Erishima said gratefully, it makes me smile when I do something right for people my parents had taught me well. I was nervous on what Saizu had to say, I hope there won't be any kind of trouble, I took a deep breath as I turned the door knob, " Are you ok Kyochi?" Erishima asked, I could tell she was nervous too by the look of her face, "Yeah I'm ok, let's get this over with, shall we?" I then opened the door fully as I walked in with Erishima, seeing Saizu right in front of me, " You're on time-" Saizu was then cut off when she saw Erishima taking off her hat as she drew her sword out " Who are you! Say something quickly before I put you in a pound!" she yelled which made Erishima a bit scared, Yomiko then came running down the stairs after hearing Saizu's yell, " What's going on?" Yomiko asked, before she could answer she saw Erishima too but looked calmer while Erishima caught her glance as her eyes widened " You look more beautiful than I imagined" Erishima said while Yomiko was blushing majorly while I blushed along with her maybe I shouldn't have said a lot about Yomiko, " Look at me when I'm scolding you!" Saizu said interrupting mine and Yomiko's thoughts " Is that how you got caught by him? With your ears?! So Irresponsible! " Saizu said as her anger started to build up, I could tell with the way her features hardened " Actually he got me with my tail almost being shown so he got his towel and hid it" she explained while Saizu looked at me Intensely and sighed in defeat, turning completely calm in an instant, " Kyochi you have a kind heart, but I'm afraid that you are to kind, and as for you Saizu said while pointing her sword at Erishima again, "If you do anything stupid or get caught in anyway, I will show you the consequences "She said with while glaring at her, it made her look menacing in way and very intimidating " I can make it up to you! Sense your letting me stay I can find him at school for you so you don't have to do all the work, after all I should repay him for what he did for me" Erishima said " Wait Erishima, that's sweet of you but you don't need too" I said in complete shock, this conversation had escalated quickly " I suppose it's fine, just make sure you hide that tail of yours" Saizu replied as she sheathed her sword back into its holder, " I will, I promise!"

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